  • 學位論文


Clash between Social Work Practice and License Examination:The Experiences of Young Social Workers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 古允文


本研究使用敘事研究方法,透過訪談七位在職青年社工應考社工師考試的歷程以及職涯經驗,呈現社會工作者與社會工作專業間的互動關係。研究結果發現當前社會工作者對當前社會工作專業體制、社工師考試,仍舊存在著質疑與討論。例如實務經驗與考試題目的落差、備考與工作的衝突、久試不第的挫折、社工師的光環與壓力,以及執業登記與否的考量。此外,當前社會工作者的職場環境,亦存在著機構與組織制度的不完善、薪資結構偏低、案量過高、專業焦慮等問題。   從研究結果可得知,目前整體社會工作專業,仍有待進一步地整合學術與實務界,同時必須改善社會工作者與政策擬定者對於社會工作專業的認知與落差。 當前社會工作專業人力去留,仍大量仰賴社會工作者本身的個人抉擇,此不利於社會工作專業體制的發展。故改善整體社會工作職場環境、完善取得證照後的相應措施,是為當前社會工作專業體制應著力之處。


The study is based on narrative research with seven young social workers in their experiences of taking license examination and career development in Taiwan. By the experience of the social workers, it presents the interaction between social workers and social work profession. The results of the study find that the social workers are always questioning social work profession such as gap between social work practice and social work theory, the clash between work and preparation for license examination, frustration of taking examination, and pressures to be a licensed social worker, and requirements for license registration. In addition, nowadays workplace environment of social workers still exists some problems such as incomplete institutional system, low salary structure, high client-loading, and anxiety of being social work profession. According to this study, the current social work profession in Taiwan should be pushed forward by integrating theory and practice and decreasing the gap between practical social workers and policymakers. Now, the stability of whole social work profession still heavily relies on the individual choice of social workers to stay or not, which is harmful to the professional development in Taiwan. So, reforming the social workplace environment and enhancing better measures of taking social work license will be fundamental to social work profession in Taiwan.


王行(2013)。走調的音符 台灣少數基層社會工作者的發聲、行動與期盼。台灣社會研究季刊,91,93-123。
