  • 學位論文


The Research of Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s works: Female Lifestyles in Different Times

指導教授 : 范淑文


本論文以芥川龍之介《開化的良人》、《奇怪的再會》、《秋天》及《湖南之扇》此四部作品為探討對象,並以作品中的時代背景為依據,分別探討各作品中動盪的時代下女性角色的生活方式。 本論文具體的研究過程如下:首先,第一章著眼於以明治初期的日本為舞台的《開化的良人》中與受西洋文化影響深遠的丈夫三浦結婚的女性勝美;次者,第二章以《奇怪的再會》為文本並探討作品中於甲午戰爭後被帶至日本的中國人女性阿蓮的心境變化及其生存方式;再者,第三章考察以大正時代為背景的《秋天》中受過教育的女性信子在當時代的生活樣貌;最後,第四章則聚焦於以20世紀初期中國的湖南所發生的事件為舞台的《湖南之扇》中的女性含芳在如此動盪不安的情勢下如何生存。 基於上述考察,可以得知芥川筆下的女性可區分為具備高度的女性意識、有自我主張的女性及依然無法擺脫男性主義社會的枷鎖,處於被支配地位的女性。綜觀不同時代下女性生活方式的相異點,進而掌握芥川龍之介對於19世紀至20世紀社會情勢上的認識。


This thesis focuses on Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s(1892-1927) works from the perspective of the femininity. The selected works in this thesis: “Kaikanoryoujinn,” “Kikainasaikai,” “Aki,” “Konannoougi” have common in describing women in fluctuate generations. Consequently, I would like to base on this aspect to explore females’ lifestyle in different time backgrounds. In chapter 1, I will put the attention to a woman called Katsumi whose husband Miura deeply influenced by Western culture in Meiji era in the story of “Kaikanoryoujinn.” In chapter 2, I aim to explore a China woman Oasu, who was carried to Japan after First Sino-Japanese War, her mind changing and life way in the story of “Kikainasaikai.” In chapter 3, I will discuss “Aki”, a story which illustrated an educated woman Nobuko’s lifestyle in Taishō era. In chapter 4, I will centralize the discussion to a womanGannhou who lived in Konan in begin 20th century in “Konannoougi.” According to above research, we could divide three characters under Akutagawa’s writing, which are: Women with strong feminism, women with their objects, and women who are controlled by Male chauvinism. By viewing different females’ lifestyle in different times, we could counter recognize Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s prospective to 19th to 20th century.


 テクスト(年代順)
1. 芥川龍之介(1996)「秋」『芥川龍之介全集』第6巻 岩波書店
2. 芥川龍之介(1996)「奇怪な再会」『芥川龍之介全集』第7巻 岩波書店
3. 芥川龍之介(1996)「湖南の扇」『芥川龍之介全集』第13巻 岩波書店
4. 芥川龍之介(2007)「開化の良人」『芥川龍之介全集』第4巻 岩波書店
