  • 學位論文


A Study on Vietnamese Long Term Care Workers’ Trajectory of Being Abused and Rescued in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊培珊


勞力剝削是人口販運中的一類,它也是一種嚴重侵犯人權的犯罪形式,常見的做法是勞力販賣者將勞工們視為貿易商品來販賣並從中獲利。在人類歷史上,各種奴隸販運形式一直存在,但每一代奴隸販運的模式都會隨著社會的發展而變化。在當今時代,奴隸制度已不存在,原則上各種奴隸化方式都不合法的,但世界上常有些利益團體不停地利用法律的漏洞來創造多樣合法性的方式去控制比較弱勢族群,無形中他們創造了一群當代的合法的奴工。本研究著重在跨國勞力剝削人口販運的主題來深度瞭解國際勞工受虐待時並不積極尋找協助之原因,初步發現各跨國仲介公司以協助勞工出國尋找工作的方式合法化勞動力販賣行為時,受勞力販賣者願意接受販賣者的所有條件,直到受勞力販賣者發現自己被很多不合理的約束困住時就認為無法有做其他的選擇。事實上,低學歷、低技能的貧窮勞工們在其家鄉有太少謀生選擇機會,加上地方政府為了降低失業率和增加外匯貨幣而不停地鼓勵民眾出國尋找工作。但由於勞動力提供遠高於事實需求,所以跨國勞動力市場的競爭性很激烈,要得到國外的一分工作越南勞工要付出很大一筆錢,所以出國工作前他們已成為大債務者,同時也成為被控制者。另一方面,在接受勞工國之跨國勞動管理政策上比較以資方有利的商業條件制定,也為了國家確保經濟發展的目標。因此,有關外勞管理之法規設定上更容易有漏洞,使不良聘僱者有機會利用外勞獲得不當的利潤,以達到最大勞動剝削的效能,他們不關心外勞如何忍受惡劣的工作條件,更不允許外勞接觸勞工資訊網絡或其他援助資源。在這犯罪分子的控制下,受害者成為一種可獲利的商品。 本研究以質性研究的方式對勞力剝削受害國際移工(主要是越南看護工)進行深入訪談,並討論有關跨國勞力剝削的議題。透過越南及臺灣有關國際勞動政策,法律及法律執行方式,以及國際勞工服務之實務工作常面對的議題來解答「為什麼受虐待的越南勞工並不積極尋求援助?」 透過深度了解臺灣各私人養護機構之外籍看護工的工作狀況,探究私人養護機構聘用及對待外勞的方式是否有影響老人照顧之品質。希望該研究的結果能幫助加強預防勞力剝削的方法。


Labor exploitation is a type of human trafficking, it also makes serious infringes upon human rights, in which the labor sellers view victims as commodities to trade and make a profit.In human history, human trafficking has always existed, but the mode of human trafficking in every generation has been changing with the development of society. In the present era, slavery is no longer exists. In principle, any ways of slavery are illegal. But in the world, some interest groups constantly use the loopholes of the laws to legalize the control of the weaker groups in society. Invisibly, they created a group of new generation slaves. This article focuses on the subject of human trafficking in transnational labor exploitation, and the steps of discovery are:The transnational labor broker companies legalize labor trafficking in ways that help the workers go abroad to find jobs, in this case, the laborers are willing to accept the conditions of the broker company, until the workers find themselves trapped by many unreasonable constraints. At that times the victims thought, it's very late for them to make other considerations. In fact, the poor under-educated and low-skilled workers have too little choice in their hometowns. And in order to reduce the unemployment rate and increase the national currency, governments in less developed countries have been encouraging people to export their labor. But the labor market is too competitive and harsh. So they have to pay a large sum of money to get a job abroad. The excessive fees charged by the Vietnam government and brokers push the workers to become a big debtor before they leave their country. Because of the debt, the debtor has been controlled by their creditors. On the other hand, the labor-management policies of the employing country are trying to create favorable business conditions for the employers and also to ensure economic development. Therefore many loopholes have occurred so that the bad employers have opportunity to control migrant workers under bad working conditions, not allow foreign workers to access sources of information or other assistance to facilitate maximum labor force exploitation. Under the control of criminals, the victims being as merchandise for profit. This study employs a qualitative approach using in-depth interview with Vietnamese long term care workers who were victims of labor exploitation. It discusses issues related to the exploitation of foreign workers. Through Vietnam and Taiwan's cross-border labor policies, the laws and the legal enforcement methods, and the migrant workers service practice issues to answer the question: “How the Vietnamese care workers abused in private eldercare institutions?How did they seek assistance or not? ” Through a deep understanding of foreign care worker's working condition in private care institutions, this study explored the effects of labor exploitation on the quality of care. In addition, this study suggests ways to strengthen the prevention of labor exploitation in Taiwan.


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