  • 學位論文


Research on Market Structures and Power Transmission Pricing for Power Industry Reform - Taking Taiwan for Example

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


在自由經濟思想刺激下,為有效加速電力產業技術創新及提高投資效益,英國於1988年起推動電業開放市場,隨之各國為提升電業經營效率,皆逐漸朝建構自由競爭的電力市場方向邁進。然因電業具高度複雜性,變革涉及電力產業結構重組、市場交易運作模式等眾多配套措施,各國改革並未能皆如預期順利,加以環境變化與能源轉換技術進步,電業市場力出現更多影響變數。 台灣社會輿論始終常有國營事業經營效率不佳及資訊不透明之討論,自1990年開始廣納電業自由化的思維,並進行相關政策規劃,惟遲遲未能完成立法程序,歷經多年皆未付諸實行。政黨輪替後之新政府上台,考量選舉承諾並為落實非核家園理想,極力推展電業自由化政策理念,並即推動電業轉型之相關改革,因其具完全執政優勢,於2016年強勢通過電業法修訂。然因修法過程遭遇來自工商界與社會與論等各方之質疑與阻力,而放緩全面實質推動,先以綠能自由化為主軸。 本研究從電力能源特性及能源環境變化影響的角度切入,參考世界各國案例經驗,檢視不同的電力自由化市場與輸電網路計價模式,以獨立電網-台灣為例,探討台灣電業實際狀況與改革內容,解析台灣面臨的問題,就公平、責任及環境等多面性,做整體社會福利考量,提出不同於現有電業市場設計之架構設計,與可妥善處理具關鍵角色之輸電網路運作之想法,設計創新的輸電網路計費模式。 由分配正義為基礎,提出民生、工商雙市場架構設計,確保民生需求可獲得穩定且相對低廉的價格,工商需求有公平自由的環境,可充分競爭獲得的最大利益。將發電成本相對低廉,需政策管制或補貼之發電類別,提供給服務業、住宅、農業及交通運輸等之民生市場使用,並進行價格管制。經以台灣市場現況,由安全、價格及環保三面向探討,顯示該架構具如下優點,應適合受獨立電網限制之電業變革規劃採行。 1. 市場供需顯示訊號清楚明確,易於揭露且透明,利於市場運作管理。 2. 管制與開放競爭分別運作,避免政策措施與市場運作相互干擾,影響市場公平性。 3. 民生市場可利用價格管控誘導民眾改變用電習慣,或鼓勵分散性能源建置。 4. 企業透過工商市場可充分競爭取得電力能源,使相關供應鏈確實反應能源成本。 為因應市場自由化,考量輸電線路建造、運轉成本,加入環境影響及政府政策等因素,需做整體運作模式規劃,以電能供給動態變化特性為基礎,提出「模擬責任三部計價法」,經試算結果,驗證模式可實際運作,預期「模擬責任三部計價法」,將可具下列各項優點: 1. 強化區域負載管理責任,將負載管理由使用者調控,不由調度者負責,有助落實使用者付費及避免交叉補貼,並誘導使用者接受鄰近電力施設,適合再生能源分散特性,將可引導區域配售業者優先使用在地再生能源。 2. 最佳調度電力潮流,應加入環境考量,非僅以發電成本為惟一目標。 3. 輸電電網費用可於發、配售電進行交易前估算確認,減少發、配售電競爭干擾。線路損失價格由需求面決定及支付,非於事後結算由整體市場平均損耗決定,落實真正公平性。 市場架構與輸電費率模型,應可提供政府推動電業自由化變革之策略參考。對於創新架構與輸電模式,可於電力系統可能衍生之利益,擬留待後續研究,相信電業市場若能順利完成變革,未來全面自由市場應有更多機會,發展顯著有益電力系統運作之機制。


In 1988, when the idea of economic liberalism was spreading across nations, the United Kingdom opened an electricity market. Soon, to increase the operational efficiency, other countries followed suit and gradually induced free competition to the electricity market. The reform aims to liberalize electric power industry, mainly features a vertical integration and deconstruction of the electric power enterprises. Taiwan started to plan for electricity liberalization in 1990, but was unable to implement any plans for the ensuing 25 years. The administration that came to power in 2016 supported the ideal of a “nuclear-free homeland” which provoked fears of power shortages and rising power costs. The establishment of new thermal power plants aggravated air pollution and caused further disturbances in the society. To resolve this, this research studied numerous cases from various global regions in the past years, with the aim of seeking solutions for Taiwan’s current and potential problems in its planned electric power industry reform. This study researches the independent power grid system in Taiwan as an island, from the perspectives of the power industry and the general environment, including political and geographical factors. Difficulties faced in electricity industry reform are presented, followed by the proposition of a dual market structure and its execution plan. The dual market structure divides the whole power market into a household market and an industry and commerce market, with the hope of achieving better electricity pricing fairness and power utilization efficiency. After studying the electricity market conditions in Taiwan from three aspects, safety, price, and environmental protection, it is concluded that both the household market and the industry and commerce market can reach a balance for supply and demand. The policies on distribution of electricity generation sources could provide the household market with a stable electricity price as well as good investment incentives for the industry and commerce market. For environmental protection, the dual structure could facilitate regulation, and reduce the disruption over the competition of the industry and commerce market. To maximize the benefits of electricity liberalization, future market operations must not only involve conventional considerations for economic dispatch; overall social welfare should be included by incorporating the perspectives of fairness, responsibility, and the environment, and key electrical grid operations should be executed appropriately. We responded to the future market liberalization planning by including factors, such as, environmental effects and government policies, in addition to electrical line construction, and operation cost factors involved in the entire operational model planning. On the base of responsibility sharing, this study used the simulated-responsibility three-phase pricing method. The proposed structure is suitable for the reform for an independent power grid system, and the proposed pricing method is expected to help attain the policy goals.


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