  • 學位論文


Self-Compassion and Psychological Health in the Workplace

指導教授 : 陳淑惠


根據工作負荷-資源模型,工作壓力可能反映出工作者的工作負荷與工作資源程度間的不相符合。當工作負荷程度超過工作環境所能提供的資源時,其工作壓力將隨之增加,進而造成負面健康影響,像是憂鬱和職業倦怠等。而除了對於工作資源的感知會影響工作調適情況之外,在工作壓力的脈絡中,受雇者自身的個人資源可能也與面對職場壓力時的心理韌性有關,值得研究者進一步關注。 現有文獻中,個人的自我慈憫傾向已被證實與受苦和挫折情境下的心理韌性有關,而自我慈憫傾向對於職場工作者心理健康的影響即是此博士論文主要研究主題。第一個研究中,為了能夠有效評估個體的自我慈憫傾向,檢驗台灣版自我慈憫量表信效度。藉由探索性與驗證性因素分析,顯示台灣版自我慈憫量表包含兩個高階因素,即自我慈憫增進因素(包含自我關愛、正念覺察及普同人性等分量表)和自我慈憫遞減因素(包含自我批判、自我隔絕及負面經驗過度認同等分量表)。整體結果顯示台灣版自我慈憫量表具有良好信效度,可以應用於台灣本土研究中的自我慈憫傾向測量。第二個研究檢驗受雇者的自我慈憫傾向是否可作為一種保護工作壓力衝擊的個人資源。本研究參照工作負荷-資源模型,在納入工作負荷以及多項工作資源後,檢驗受雇者本身的自我慈憫傾向在心理調適上(包含憂鬱、焦慮、工作倦怠和心理幸福感)所增加的保護效果。研究結果指出自我慈憫遞減因素跟受雇者較高程度的憂鬱、焦慮和工作倦怠,以及較低程度的心理幸福感有關,自我慈憫增進因素則與較低程度的憂鬱以及較高程度的心理幸福感有關。整體而言,本研究在考慮了受雇者個人控制變項、工作負荷和工作資源的程度後,仍顯示受雇者的自我慈憫傾向會顯著並獨立地影響受雇者心理健康狀態。在第三個研究中,為了確認受雇者本身的自我慈憫傾向在時間縱貫性脈絡下的心理健康保護力,採取三波前瞻式研究來檢驗受雇者本身自我慈憫傾向對於憂鬱和工作倦怠的預測力。階層線性模式檢驗結果顯示,自我慈憫傾向中的遞減因素和增進因素皆與受雇者整體憂鬱和工作倦怠狀態有關,且自我慈憫傾向中的增進因素對於工作倦怠跨時間改變有邊緣顯著的保護效果。最終,總結研究結果,並於本論文中討論研究限制以及臨床意涵。


自我慈憫 心理健康 職場 工作倦怠 憂鬱


According to the job demands-resources model (JD-R model), job strain is conceptualized as a mismatch between job demands and resources in the workplace. When job demands exceed the resources provided by the work environment, job strain will increase, resulting in negative health outcomes, such as depression and burnout. Other than an employee’s perception of work resources, personal resource is considered as another type of resource worthy of research attention. Self-compassion proneness, proved to be associated with resilience in suffering and frustrating situations, composes the main theme in this doctoral dissertation. In the first study, to ensure a valid measure for assessing self-compassion proneness, the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS, Neff, 2003) was evaluated for its factorial and construct validity. Via EFA and CFA procedures, the results revealed that the Taiwanese version of SCS yields two composites: the incremental composite which was constituted of self-kindness, mindfulness, and common humanity subscales, and the decremental composite which was constituted of self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification of negative experiences subscales. Satisfactory reliability and validity ensure the applicability of the Taiwanese version of the SCS for assessing self-compassion proneness in Taiwan. In the second study, self-compassion proneness was examined as a type of personal resource which can protect one’s psychological health from the impact of job strain. The results indicate that the decremental factor of self-compassion proneness was associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety and work burnout, and with lower levels of psychological well-being. Meanwhile, the incremental factor of self-compassion proneness was associated with lower levels of depression and higher levels of psychological well-being. In the third study, a three-wave prospective design was adopted to examine the predictivity of self-compassion for depression and work burnout in the workplace. With the utilization of a hierarchical linear model, the results indicate that both decremental and incremental factors of self-compassion were associated with the levels of depression and work burnout; besides, the incremental factor of self-compassion had a marginal effect on the growth of work burnout changes over time. Taken collectively, self-compassion proneness appears to be a protective factor for psychological health in the workplace. Limitations and clinical applications are discussed in the dissertation.


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