  • 學位論文


The Restruction and Prospect of the Concept of Labor—— A Comparative Study between Taiwan and Japan

指導教授 : 王能君


在勞動法領域中,「勞工」概念具有劃定適用範圍之重要機能,然而,若僅就法律規定的層面而言,「勞工」的概念可說是簡略而不明確,有賴實務及學說的發展使其具體、明確。而勞工之從屬性判斷基準雖在我國實務已有相當之累積,但相關爭議並未停歇,大法官釋字第740號解釋更因此而生。本論文以個別勞動法為研究範圍,考察我國實務見解後,發現實務看似採取共同的從屬性判斷基準,但對於從屬性判斷基準之理解與具體操作方式則非一致。另外,與勞動基準法同屬重要勞動保護法令的職業安全衛生法,則在民國102年的修正中,新設了「工作者」與「自營作業者」概念,本論文考察其修法前的相關實務見解,發現在舊勞工安全衛生法上的勞工認定,有以立法目的之不同,而採取不同於勞動基準法上判斷基準的見解,修法後的實務見解則對前述新設概念之定位產生歧異。 本論文為釐清既有之勞工概念,以及勞動型態多樣化下,傳統勞工概念應擔負的機能,新類型概念是否具有必要性與可行性,除了我國法之整體分析外,亦透過日本實務與學說,乃至於立法動向之考察,重新建構從屬性基準之解釋論與法理基礎,相關法理基礎之建構並延伸至新類型概念,並以此為基礎將新類型概念進行定位。在重新建構判斷基準及其法理基礎後,本論文並參照日本法,對於我國實務見解在判斷基準的操作上常見的問題,進行剖析與修正。另外,對於勞動型態多樣化之對應方式,並提出日本法上的觀察,供作我國之參考。


In Labor Law, the concept of Labor plays an important role in capturing the scope of application of law, however, the definition of Labor is ambiguous in clause. As a result, it relys on Court decisions and scholars to specify the concept. Though the Court decisions and scholars have been contributed to the judging criteria, the issue is unresolved and leads to J.Y. Interpretation No. 740. This thesis organizes the opinions of the Court, and points out that although their judging criteria seem to be the same, they use them in different ways. Moreover, there are different judging criteria between Labor Standards Act and Occupational Safety and Health Act. Besides, Occupational Safety and Health Act created the concept of“Workers” and“Self-employed Workers” in 2013, and these concepts are closely related to“Labor”. To specify“Labor” and the role of“Labor”,“Workers” and “Self-employed Workers” following the diversification of workstyles, this thesis not only organizes the opinions of the Court and scholars in Taiwan but also those in Japan. After the restruction of the concept of Labor, comparing with the observation of Japan Law, this thesis revises the way the Court uses the judging criteria. In view of the diversification of workstyles, through the observation of Japan Law, this thesis also provides some possible solutions.


