  • 學位論文

政策觀點上的確認性偏誤研究 : 以台大學生為例

A Study of Confirmational Bias in Policy Viewpoints:Taking Taiwan University Students as an Example

指導教授 : 唐代彪
共同指導教授 : 陳瑀屏(Yu-Ping Chen)


近年來台灣的政策在網路論壇討論中,對立的狀況逐漸明顯,這種極化的現象從政策討論的文章中也不免看出,論證的角度常顧左右而言他,討論者無視反對者的論述,堅信其原始的立場。 而這種過度堅信的行為,在神經認知領域有個解釋叫做「確認性偏誤」。因此本研究欲從台大學生中探討,現今台灣社會存在明顯立場對立的兩大議題「核能存廢」以及「死刑存廢」,是否當台大學生閱讀其正反立場觀點情境後,會存在確認性偏誤 ; 以及是否會因為台大學生對於該議題的涉入程度,調解了確認性偏誤的強度。因此在實驗設計上,本研究透過架設網站,以線上問卷的方式,蒐集台大學生對於政策議題的前後印象分數及受試者背景資料,並對其在閱讀正反面政策觀點情境時的活動軌跡加以記錄。 而從本研究數據分析後得出,不管是核能存廢議題抑或是死刑存廢議題,台大學生皆在閱讀正反政策立場觀點後,有著確認性偏誤的存在; 但是不管是核能存廢議題抑或是死刑存廢議題,台大學生對於該議題的涉入程度,卻不存在著調節確認性偏誤強度的顯著影響。


In recent years, Taiwan’s policies have become increasingly apparent in discussions in online forums. This phenomenon of polarization is also unavoidably seen in the articles of policy discussions. The argument from the argument point of view is often not focus of the question. Otherwise, the discussants always ignore the opponents and firmly believe in its original position. This excessively firm behavior has an explanation in the field of neurocognition called "Confirmation Bias." Therefore, this study intends to discuss among Taiwan University students that there are two major issues in Taiwan’s society that are clearly opposed to each other, namely, “Save Nuclear Energy” and “Death Penalty.” Whether Taiwan University students read confirmation of their positive and negative positions Bias, and whether it will mediate the strength of confirmatory bias due to the degree of involvement of Taiwan University students in this issue. Therefore, in terms of experimental design, this study collected online and post-graduate impression scores and subject background information on policy issues by setting up a website and using online questionnaires, and analyzed their activity trajectories when reading positive and negative policy opinions and situations. recording. From the analysis of the data in this study, it is concluded that whether it is the issue of nuclear energy storage or the death penalty, the University of Taiwan students have a confirmation error after reading the positive and negative policy positions; but whether it is the issue of nuclear energy storage or is it the issue of the death penalty abolition, and the degree of involvement of Taiwan University students in this issue does not have a significant influence on the strength of confirmation bias.


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