  • 學位論文


Active Citizens in Energy Transitions: An Actor-Network Analysis of Citizen Power Plants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林子倫


本文核心主旨在於考察公民電廠作為創新利基技術物,如何轉化並納入公民社會進而轉動我國多層次視角的永續性轉型,其中探索不同行動者的能源行動,進而看見公民電廠與積極公民相互運生並共同形構出的台灣公民電廠樣貌。 在研究方法上,本文採用二手文獻與檔案分析、參與觀察和深度訪談等資料搜集管道。並使用行動者網絡理論作為分析架構,跟隨台灣公民電廠發展中的領先積極公民:台灣再生能源推動聯盟、主婦聯盟環境保護基金會、綠主張綠電合作社與陽光伏特家,看見行動者創建與拓展公民電廠網絡的過程。其次,本文進一步以陽光伏特家公民電廠網路平台為例,闡述數位轉型的公民電廠如何解構公民參與門檻,進而號召更多能源積極公民。研究結果發現,公民電廠作為技術物的型態演變,從實體再生能源科技到數位轉型的技術物樣態,讓公民參與發生本質性的改變,進而招募動員出不同空間的能源積極公民,積極公民樣貌與性別結構也因不同時空下的社會技術結構背景而有不同的演化與轉變。 最後,本研究於理論貢獻中拓展行動者網絡理論對於數位網絡空間及行動者內部能動性的差異進行補充;經驗貢獻則從公民電廠行動者網絡出發,整合公民電廠巨觀視角與微觀行動,提出公民電廠與積極公民相互型塑的關係;政策層面則從由下而上的公民參與力量出發,針對國內能源政策提出建言,其中指出,政府須更加重視公民參與能源政策的規劃設計,並提供利於扶植創新利基的公民電廠政策環境,作為邁向永續性轉型的政策方針。


The purpose of this study is to investigate how citizen power plants, as a niche innovation, progress Taiwan’s sustainable transition from a multi-level perspective whilst increasing the capacity for civic involvement. Through analyzing the renewable energy actions of various actors within the society, this study explores the constructive entanglement of active citizens and emerging forms of public and social ownership of citizen power plants. The research was conducted through the analysis of second-hand documents, participant observation, and in-depth interviews. With the application of the Actor-Network Theory-based analysis, the study observes how leading actors in Taiwan, including Taiwan Renewable Energy Alliance, Homemakers United Foundation, Green Advocates Energy Cooperative, and Sunnyfounder, forged and expanded upon the network for citizen power plants. The study then focused on Sunnyfounder, a digital platform for citizen power plants, as a case study of how the digitalization of citizen power plants reduced the entry barrier for civic engagement, further expanding the involvement of active citizens. The research reveals the impact of citizen power plant transformations, from physical sustainable energy technology to a digitalized technological artifact, on civic contributions and involvement. Each stage of the techno-social evolution enables the participation of actors of different genders and with different sets of motivations and limitations. This study advances the Actor-Network Theory by expanding its understanding of the effect on the agency of actors in a digitized platform. The study further contributes by identifying the constructive entanglement of active citizens and emerging forms of public and social ownership of citizen power plants. The study also proposes suggestions for domestic energy policies from a bottom-up perspective. These recommendations state the importance of including public participation when designing energy policies and encourage the creation of an environment friendly towards emerging niche citizen power plants as a directive towards sustainable transition.


