  • 學位論文


Intergenerational Transmission on College Major Choice

指導教授 : 林明仁


本篇論文探討大學教育選擇在跨代移轉的過程中扮演的角色。 利用橫跨1999-2018 的所得、財富以及高教稅務資料, 本研究串連了家庭背景、小孩科系選擇, 以及未來工 作起薪, 藉此得以探討跨代移轉與高等教育之關聯。 本文以敘述統計佐證了就讀大 學(相對於四技) 比例以及民生科系因家庭所得與財富而上升與下降的現象, 再以多變 量迴歸模型估計跨代所得彈性係數, 發現約有 40%至 60% 的係數可為大學層級或大 學體系解釋。 相較之下, 單看大學科系和文理組的分類並不是跨代移轉的重要機制。


This paper explores how intergenerational inequality transmits through education choice, us- ing administrative income, wealth, and college enrollment data in Taiwan from 2008 to 2018. I link family background with children’s labor market outcome with the long panel after grad- uating from colleges. The feature provides the opportunity to analyze the influence of family background on educational choices and future income. The descriptive results show the inter- generational inequality in college systems, fields of study, and school tiers, where children from affluent families tend to enter more prospective college systems, majors, and schools. Also, educational segregation is shown to have an impact on future income after students graduated. I then use an intergenerational elasticity (IGE) model to explore the proportion of transmission explained by educational factors. While tier of schools explains 40-60% of IGE, college major choice solely explains little transmission. This paper contributes to education economics by including college major choice in the discussion of intergenerational mobility.


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