  • 學位論文


Settled in Hsinchu:Transformation of Urban Living Support System around the Hsinchu Science Park Surrounding Area

指導教授 : 王志弘


新竹科學園區作為1980年代國家重點的領域政策帶動台灣產業轉型,不只為新竹帶來大量的移居人口,更成為新竹地區都市轉型的重要動力。本研究從園區移居者的居住現象以及「竹科在新竹」40年的都市轉型歷程,嘗試回答:新竹科學園區大量的移居人口如何與新竹市互動,又為新竹地區的都市轉型帶來何種轉變?本研究提出「落腳」的概念,藉由動態的比喻,將園區與新竹市之間既緊張又合作的發展關係以及不同世代的園區移居者的生活選擇兩者結合,進一步掌握新竹都市轉型與地景變遷的發展歷程。 本研究提出三點研究發現:第一,「園區的社會足跡」即是在中央/地方、園/市之間的領域化治理隙縫中,不同尺度的力量進入填補治理空白所形塑的都市轉型與空間重組過程,新竹地區的都市轉型也在不同力量的此消彼漲中間接地被形塑。第二,新竹市的都市景觀與都市生活支持系統向消費地景轉型,並且為園區移居者的勞動力再生產而服務。本研究以關埔計畫區作為核心研究場域,「創造性破壞」造就新舊地景的置換,形塑符合消費偏好與階級品味的消費地景,使關埔計畫區成為園區移居者勞動力再生產的基地。第三,移居者共同面對都市生活困境,形成在地社群與住宅階級認同。因為園區的勞動力需求,大量人口移入,基礎建設長期不足,也使得移居者必須透過自身力量滿足對於中產階級美好生活的想像,進而發展在地的生活網絡,也真正開始「落腳新竹」。


The study began from residential phenomenon of science park settlers and 40 years of Hsinchu area urban transformation course and tried to answer the question: how settlers interacted with Hsinchu local structure and brought what change for Hsinchu area urban transformation ? In order to enlarge on the development process of urban landscape change, the study brought out the concept “settled in” , which combined both tensional and cooperative relationship between science park and Hsinchu city and living choice which made by science park settlers In different generation. There were three research finding in this study. First, because of territorializing governance among central/local, science park/ Hsinchu city, Hsinchu area formed “aperture of territorializing Governance” .Power from different scales tried to fill in the governance blank indirectly shaped Hsinchu urban transformation and space restructuring .Second, urban landscape and urban living support system in Hsinchu turned to consuming landscape and provided services for labor reproduction of science park settlers.“Creative destruction” shaped old landscape into a new consuming landscape which conformed to consumption preference and class taste of middle class.Third, because of large migrated population and inadequate infrastructure, settlers formed housing class identity by building new community to face and share their dilemma of urban living and simultaneously achieved their imagination about good life of middle class. In this process, settlers truly settled in Hsinchu.


王志弘(2012)《縉紳化的渴望:三重的都市意象、消費地景與地域轉型》,國科會100年度專題研究計畫(NSC 100-2410-H-002 -178 -)。台北:行政院國家科學委員會。
王志弘、李涵茹、黃若慈,(2013)〈縉紳化或便利城市升級?新北市三重區都市生活支持系統的再結構〉。《國家發展研究》12(2): 179-230。
