  • 學位論文


Simultaneous Interpreting with Accented Mandarin: A Study on the Perception of Quality in Taiwan

指導教授 : 范家銘


此項研究旨在透過實驗探討臺灣聽眾如何評價不同華語口音的口譯品質。實驗在線上邀請共四百位臺灣受試者,並將受試者隨機且平均分配至四個組別,分別聽下列其中一個版本的口譯:一、臺灣華語;二、中國普通話;三、馬來西亞口音華語;四、美國口音華語。這四個口譯版本僅在口譯員的口音上有差異。結束後,受試者需填寫一份口譯品質評價問卷,為九項評價標準評分,各項評價標準亦附非必填的意見欄位。研究者之後對問卷結果進行量化及質化分析。 分析結果顯示口音越明顯,口譯品質評價越低。中國標準華語口音獲得的評價有正有負,一方面被視為口譯員應當使用的標準口音,另一方面也有受試者認為其發音需經糾正。馬來西亞華語口音在內容可理解性及整體表現方面所獲得的評分為非台灣口譯員中最高,研究者推斷其原因為該口音與臺灣口音相似。美國華語口音在內容可理解性及整體表現方面所獲得的評分為非台灣口譯員中最低,但受試者在質化意見欄位給予了該口譯員許多鼓勵。研究者推斷原因之一為受試者透過該口音認知到口譯員非華語母語者,並將該口譯員較差的口譯表現歸因於此。本文研究結果彰顯口音會影響口譯員獲得的評價,而口譯員、口譯教學者及學生需清楚意識這一點,且建議於口譯時避免帶顯著之口音以因應口譯使用者及客戶的需求。


This study explores the perception of the simultaneous interpreting (SI) quality of accented Mandarin interpreters in Taiwan. Four hundred Taiwanese were recruited online to participate in a controlled experiment. The participants were randomly and evenly assigned to listen to one of the four versions of SI which differed only in accents: Taiwan Mandarin, Chinese Standard Mandarin, Malaysian Mandarin, and US-accented Mandarin. They were then required to rate the SI quality in a nine-item questionnaire. Optional comment sections were also provided. The ratings were analyzed quantitatively and the qualitative comments were analyzed qualitatively. Results show that SI quality were evaluated poorer in comprehensibility and performance satisfaction with increasing markedness of accent. The Chinese Standard Mandarin accent was viewed as the appropriate stylistic choice due to its “standard” prestige on one hand, but viewed as mispronunciation by some on the other hand. The Malaysian Mandarin accent was viewed as the most favorable among all three non-Taiwanese Mandarin accents for comprehensibility and performance satisfaction. It was likely due to the accent’s perceived similarities with Taiwan Mandarin. The American-accented Mandarin was rated most unfavorably for its perceived lowest comprehensibility, but the participants generally showed encouragement for the US interpreter. A possible explanation is that the participants attributed the perceived poorer SI performance to an external factor beyond the interpreter’s control—the interpreter’s non-native identity, identified through her accent. The key findings of this study shows that accent has observable impacts on interpreting quality perception. Interpreters in the market, interpreting educators and trainers, and interpreting students need to be aware of such impact. It is also recommended that they adopt an accent as neutral as possible to cater to the demands of interpreting users and clients.


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