  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness Evaluation of Residential Care from the Perspective of the Elder, Family Members and the Staff and the Quality Improvement Strategies

指導教授 : 王宏文


醫療技術進步,我國老年人口比例逐漸增加,近年長期照顧議題不斷被討論與研究。當長者出現長照服務需求,尤其失能程度嚴重,需有24小時專人照顧時,機構式照護就可能被家屬納入考量。而本研究欲探討的問題是:究竟我國長照服務中,機構式照護的成效為何?若照護品質或成效不佳,應如何改進? 過去對於機構式照護成效的研究,各文獻所採用的指標不盡相同,研究方法也各異:或從量化健康指標或滿意度下去分析,或單純以質化深度訪談探討長者在機構的適應情況等等。本研究同時採用量化次級資料分析與質化深度訪談方式,從長者入住機構後的生理活動功能(研究工具為ADLs量表)、心理狀態(研究工具為老人憂鬱量表)與社會互動情形、壓瘡情況(研究工具為Braden壓瘡危險因子評估表)與服務滿意度(研究工具為半結構訪談大綱與SERVQUAL量表),來做為評估照顧成效主要研究工具,目的是以客觀次級資料分析結果,對比家屬、長者,與機構人員主觀對於機構式照護成效的認知,一方面以多元角度切入以力求評估完整性,另一方面找出彼此間可能潛在的服務品質缺口,並提供可行的服務品質改進策略與建議。 研究結果顯示:長者在接受住宿式機構的照護後,生理功能改善效果不顯著,而機構藉社會互動提升長者心理健康效果也有限,另壓瘡風險可能因移動力降低而升高,但機構人員的專業照護能有效解決壓瘡問題。因此機構只有在壓瘡的處理較有成效,而生理活動與心理健康似乎只能提供最基礎照護服務,較無法延緩長者身心理失能情況。 而滿意度的部分,家屬與長者在環境設備與機構人員(包括照服員、護理師、行政人員等)的專業度給予很高的評價,多數家屬也信賴機構人員對於長者生活狀況的回報,機構人員對家屬回應性也很高,惟可能因人手不足、長者因失能表達能力弱,長者需求,或機構人員對長者關懷則較容易被忽略。 而部分照護成效不佳的原因,若以服務品質缺口理論切入分析,來自:人力資源限制、機構內部管理困難、機構人員和家屬間溝通問題,而導致認知落差情況存在。為了消弭認知落差,提升服務品質,建議:就政府政策而言,應鬆綁對長照機構收費核定限制,吸引長照人才投入;對於機構而言,建立妥善獎懲制度,積極落實內部品質規範;而就家屬而言,當發現服務品質不佳時,除了家屬直接反應,抱怨外,增加訪視長者頻率、家屬與機構建立互信,形成協力互補共同解決長者照護問題是較有效的解決方式。


Due to the advancements in medicine and health science, life expectancy has increased, and the topic of long-term care is currently being widely discussed. When the elderly become functionally dependent as they age, their family members might approach residential care. This study focus on two research problems: one is the effectiveness of residential care, and the other is the measures of improving the quality when the outcome of long-term care doesn’t meet the customers’ expectations. Reviewing previous studies, the indexes and the methods used to evaluate long-term care differ from each other. This thesis employs the qualitative and quantitative methods, adopting ADLs, GDS, Branden Scale, and SERVQUAL Scale to evaluate the effectiveness of residential care. The outcome reveals that after the elderly receive the residential care, their physiological function does not show noticeable improvement. In addition, the benefits of social interaction that the institutions bring are limited. However, the professionals in the institutions are capable of caring for pressure ulcers effectively. In terms of customer satisfaction, the elderly and their family members has given their approval for the professionalism of the staff. Most family members trust the professionals, and the professionals also respond to their customers’ requests positively. Nevertheless, due to the shortage of human resources and the limited expression ability of the elderly, the staff might not be able to take good care of every elderly and neglect some of their needs. From the perspective of service gap model, the deficiency of long-term care service results from the shortage of human resources, the poor management of the institutions, and the communication problems between the elderly’s family members and the professionals. To enhance the effectiveness, the government should relax the restrictions on the ceiling price of residential care. The managers of the long-term care institutions should develop a well-organized reward and punishment system. When the elderly’s family members identify the flaw in the service, they can make a complaint to the institutions, increase the frequency of visits, and build trust with the professionals. As the government, the institutions, and the elderly’s family members cooperate and take measures, the problems of long-term care can be alleviated.


壹、 中文文獻
中華民國內政部(2019),歷年簡易生命表,取自:https://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/node.aspx?cate_sn= belong_sn=6189 sn=6190(最後瀏覽日:2020年10月17日)。
