  • 學位論文


The Paradigms for Civil Officials in the Political Discourse of Song China

指導教授 : 方震華


借古例以議時事,乃是傳統士人慣用的論政方式,士人往往尋求歷史上的政治典型,作為討論治國方法的論述資源。三代以下的歷史人物,也曾在宋代士人的論述中被引為模範,漢、唐文臣尤其受到重視。在文臣的範疇中,宰執、諫諍之臣以及地方守令,因與致君、澤民的理想有直接關聯,是最受看重的三個類型。士人論及宰相,首先標舉唐代的房玄齡、杜如晦、姚崇、宋璟;說到諫諍的典範,則在魏徵之外,推崇陸贄。而由於宋人認為唐代地方令長不足為法,故論及地方官的楷模時,往往上溯至漢代,黃霸成為最受矚目的案例。本研究即以上述人物為個案,梳理宋代士人如何在論述中援引其事蹟,並分析這些相關論題,如何反映士人對政治環境的思考。 本文的討論顯示,宋代士人從這幾位歷史人物的事蹟中挑選出最具代表性的類別,進而將他們標舉為特定類型文臣的楷模,賦予其合宜定位;同時對該類文臣的職分進行理論性的定義,並試圖在此思考框架下,討論歷史人物的作為是否合於理想。因此,宋代士人對於文臣典範的思考,結合了歷史人物的實際事蹟與才能,以及該類型文臣的職分定位,內涵頗為豐富。而就被視為楷模的歷史人物而言,士人在討論他們的事蹟時,不僅二分式地將之視為正∕邪或君子∕小人,而是賦予他們更為立體的形象。研究者在梳理歷史人物的後世評價時,若能進一步釐清其深層意涵,將能更明瞭評論者的思維世界,以及典範人物在該特定時空的表率意義。


The use of examples from ancient history to discuss current affairs is the traditional way of discussing politics among Chinese literati, they often seek political models from history as a resource to discuss how to govern a country. The historical figures after the Three Dynasties, especially the civil officials of the Han and Tang Dynasties, were cited as models in the discourse of literati in the Song Dynasty. Among the category of civil officials, the Song literati most valued chancellors, remonstrance officials, and local officials, since they were directly related to the ideals of assisting the emperor and governing common people. When literati talk about prime ministers, they first cite Fang Xuanling 房玄齡, Du Ruhui 杜如晦, Yao Chong 姚崇, and Song Jing宋璟 from the Tang Dynasty; when it comes to the model of remonstrance, they admire Lu Zhi 陸贄 in addition to Wei Zheng 魏徵. And because the Song literati believed that local officials in the Tang Dynasty were not good enough, they often sought out models of governing from the Han Dynasty. Huang Ba 黃霸 became the most high-profile case. This thesis takes the above-mentioned figures as cases to analyze how their deeds were quoted in the discussions of Song literati, and evaluates how these related topics reflected the scholars’ thinking on the political environment. The present article shows that the Song literati selected the most representative actions from the deeds of these historical figures, and then marked them as paradigms of a certain type of civil official. The Song literati also made a theoretical definition of different categories of civil officials, and tried to discuss whether the deeds of historical figures were in line with them. Therefore, the thinking of the Song literati on the paradigms for civil officials actually combined the actual deeds and talents of historical figures, as well as the position of certain type of civil officials. For the historical figures who were regarded as paradigms for civil officials, the Song literati did not actually regard them as good/evil or gentleman/villain, but gave them profound images. When analyzing the Song literati’s evaluations of historical figures, researchers should further clarify their deeper meanings, so as to better understanding the thought of critics, and the exemplary meanings of historical figures in that particular time.


