  • 學位論文


A Legal Consciousness Study of the Punitive Policies Against Drunk Driving

指導教授 : 謝煜偉


酒駕問題向來為台灣社會深惡痛絕,社會輿論倡議嚴罰聲浪從未止歇,攤開醉態駕駛罪的修正歷程,卻發現立法至今二十餘年已歷經多次修正。面對酒駕防制政策的嚴罰浪潮,學說多批判其為民粹所主導,並以刑罰民粹主義模型闡釋修正歷程,然而現行學說卻對於社會輿論的嚴罰意識未多著墨,本文旨在提出理論模型,以解析社會輿論的建構歷程與其內涵。 首先本文應用「法律意識」研究方法,參酌英美及日本學界法律社會學研究,整合提出懲罰社會學式的法律意識模型,用以剖析嚴罰政策的社會輿論面貌。接著本文將應用法律社會史方法,檢驗立法界、警政界、社會輿論界與法學界等四種場域言說,以回顧醉態駕駛罪與酒駕防制政策的歷史變遷。酒駕議題討論的早期動態與2010年代開啟的修法潮,顯現連續朝向嚴罰管控的傾向,可以發現到,修法潮存在警政界主導修法的特色,而非僅是輿論促成政策變化,於此同時,多樣的行政管制策略被提出,連同刑罰成為修法潮配套措施。 從犯罪化歷程開始觀察嚴罰政策中的法律意識,會發現酒駕議題的問題化歷程始自1990年代,其嚴罰政策的基本邏輯,是由法學論述的嚇阻典範與道德論述的零容忍所主導,修法變遷是由傳媒、政府與專家所組成的「鐵三角」與其道德信念變遷所推動。至於酒駕嚴罰政策的深層意識觀,則存在複數的酒駕犯罪者法律圖像,如妖魔化、治理慾望、權力倒置與理性形象生產等面向,共同支撐起刑事政策的基本邏輯。 最終,醉態駕駛罪的法律意識,其社會機能顯現精細的人口分類機制,而法律意識所支撐的嚴罰政策傾向,則是指向永遠無法達成的司法改革。本文為此提出現行政策的全面批判論述,同步揭露批判論述的反身性立場。面對酒駕議題,應採取「減害策略」思維,思考應用科技發展與強化社會連帶等替代方案,試圖減輕酒駕嚴罰政策所帶來的惡果,至於其實踐,則仰賴未來偶然翻轉結構的契機。


In Taiwan, drunk driving accidents provokes strong public outcries like no other. Popular demands for an ever-harsher criminal response have only grown in the last two decades. Academic literature on the legislative history of the drunk driving laws have focused their criticisms on the populist foundation of the legislation. However, a more systemic analysis of the society’s punitive attitudes towards drunk-driving has to date been absent. This Thesis proposes a theoretical model that will break down the construction of public attitudes towards drunk driving. Drawing on existing Anglo-American and Japanese literature on legal consciousness, this Thesis adopts a penal-sociological model of legal consciousness towards the analysis of the public attitudes behind the punitive policies against drunk-driving. The Thesis will begin with an examination of discourse among legislators, police experts, legal experts, and the public. A review of the history of anti-drunk driving policies reveals that early legal-social development and the successive waves of legislation in the 2010s trended toward harsher punishments for drunk driving. These legislative developments were greatly facilitated by legislators and police experts through their various agenda-setting strategies, rather than public opinions contributing to policy changes alone. At the same time, a variety of administrative control strategies were proposed along with penalties as complementary measures to the wave of amendments. The problematization of drunk driving began in the 1990s. On the surface, the logic behind the punitive policies against drunk driving was the legal arguments of general deterrence and the moral arguments of zero tolerance. The legislative dynamics could be deconstructed as the mechanism of the Iron Triangle of the media, government and experts in action, and the changes in moral beliefs. However, the depth consciousness that underlay the punitive policies saw demonization, desire to govern, inversion of power, the production of the image of a rational man, and other cultural factors. These factors combined to support the logic of the punitive policies. In the end, legal consciousness towards the drunk driving offense performed a social function: the classification of human beings. Punitive policies against drunk driving only pointed towards a judicial reform that sees no end in sight. This Thesis presents a comprehensive criticism of the drunk driving laws and a reflexive perspective towards its criticism. It argues that reversing the harm of punitive polices against drunk driving requires the adoption of a harm reduction approach that strengthens technological advances and social solidarity. Its realization, however, will rely on a reversal of structure that will be of contingent nature.


