  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Consumer Mobile Phone Satisfactory and Switching Intention~The case of college students.

指導教授 : 吳有龍


隨著科技創新,3C科技產品發展快速,手機的出現為人類帶來便利的生活,已成為人們生活不可或缺的隨身工具,因此,手機市場需求量大,導致產品亦不斷推陳出新,進而促使消費者縮短更換手機時程。 本研究係參酌相關重要文獻,發展出包含「品牌形象」、「消費者滿意度」、「轉換成本」及「轉換意願」四大構面之衡量問卷,以大專學生族群的消費者為調查對象,其主要在於探討上述四項構面之間影響;並加入學生背景資料,進行其對各構面之差異分析。本次問卷總共發放250份,回收236份,無效問卷13份,有效問卷223份,有效率為94.5%。以SPSS統計軟體進行敘述性統計、信度、單因子變異數、獨立樣本T檢定、相關分析及多元迴歸等資料分析,分析結果顯示,大專生以使用智慧型手機人數最多、手機持有品牌數量HTC大於Samsung大於Sony大於Apple,這四大手機品牌深受學生青睞,約占學生數八成,手機汰換原因多為產品故障,購機會優先考慮產品功能,手機汰換期限以2年~未滿2年半最多。 故由此研究發現,「品牌形象」會對「滿意度」產生正向的影響、「滿意度」會對「轉換意願」產生負向的影響、「轉換成本」會調節「滿意度」對「轉換意願」產生負向的影響。


With the technological innovation and the rapid development of 3C products, mobile phones have brought the convenience to and become an integral part of people's lives. Therefore, the market of the mobile phones grows big; it results in new mobile phones continuing to be introduced and thereby promotes consumers shortening the time interval of buying new one. In this research, we had developed a new reviewing questionnaire about the behavior of buying mobile phones along the four dimensions of "brand image", "customer satisfaction", "cost of buying change" and "changing intention of buying” for college students. The main goal of the questionnaire is to examine the relative buying effects among the four dimensions. Based on it and the questioned student’s background information, we carried out the analysis of the differences of mobile phone buying behaviors from these dimensions. There are 250 questionnaires were issued, 236 of them were returned back and 13 are invalid among them, and the effective returning rate is 94.5%. We applied the SPSS statistical software to analysis the 223 valid questionnaires. The analysis results show that: 1. The number of college students who use smart phones is maximum, 2. The brand order of numbers of mobile phones used among the students is by HTC > Samsung > Sony > Apple, the number of the students owning these four-brand mobile phones is about eighty percent, 3. The reason of buying a new mobile phone for the students is mainly due to the failure of the old one, and they will consider first the features of the phone when buying, 4. The period of buying a new phone is approximately 2.3 years. Based on the results we had also found that: 1. The brand image will give a significantly positive influence on the consumer satisfaction. 2. Consumer satisfaction has a significantly negative influence on the changing intention of buying. 3. Cost of buying change will affect the negative impact of the consumer satisfaction to the changing intention of buying.


全國意向(2012)「Trendgo+ 2012年第四季台灣消費生活調查報告」手機、網路業-手機。


