  • 學位論文


Establishment and Evaluation on Occupational Competency Standard for Kitchenware Industry Crucial Position Employees

指導教授 : 江育民


本研究主要是針對我國廚具產業關鍵職務從業人員所需具備之職能進行分析與評估,提供產業發展期間對人才的選用育晉留的人力資源管理。 面臨廚具產業日新月異的變化,以及科技與產業環境的快速變遷,廚具從業人員要具備何種技能,以因應這麼多樣化的需求?企業界普遍應用職能(competency)於勞動力規劃、招募管理、績效管理、職涯發展與接班人管理,進而達成公司績效與競爭力的優勢。一般最容易觀察的職能,是外顯的個人知識與技能,本研究針對廚具產業從業人員,訂定不可或缺的關鍵職務,以及其所應具備的職能。依進入行業情況與職務經驗,區分為商品開發人員、生產人員、業務人員、工務人員等四類,再依職能訪談來定義其所應接受的專業技術課程,並將課程依職務熟練度需求,區分為必備課程、專業初階課程、專業中階課程與專業高階課程等四大類,以建置廚具產業關鍵從業人員之職能培訓課程地圖,再配合適時適能訓練,期望能培育廚具產業的專業菁英為主要目標,並為公司培訓關鍵職務人才。 本研究針對廚具產業建置關鍵職務之需求,訂定出廚具產業關鍵職務從業人員職能課程,針對各項職能課程邀請學者、業界專家,就職能課程之重要度提出意見,以資料包絡分析法與共同權重法,遴選出最重要、最需優先執行之課程,期配合業界需求的職能課程,作為人才遴選、任用、培育之參考準則。


職能 關鍵職務 職能地圖


The objective of thisresearch isto establish and evaluate the occupational competency standardfor kitchenware industry crucial position employees. The results can be easily apply to human resource management on selection, staffing, training, promotion, and development For a never-ending changes and improvements kitchenware industry in Taiwan, several challenges have been confronted with many skills, knowledge and attitudes in accordance with the demands of the professional employees. In order to achieve the corporation performance and core competitiveness the occupational competency has been widely used in industry for labor planning, recruiting management, performance management, career development and successor planning. In this study, crucial position employees in Taiwan kitchenware industry and occupational competency standard have been specific defined. The crucial position employees are categorize as 4 types: new product development personnel, production staff, sales representative and factory service engineer. The professional and technical courses have been developed after competence interview. The courses are differentiated into common, first stage and middle level according to the proficiency on the jobs. This occupational competency courses training map with the right time and fitted talent trainingwill meet the demands of thecrucial position employees. The main purpose of the developed occupational competency courses training map would foster elite talent for kitchenware industry and cultivate the crucial position employees for company. In this study, the occupational competency courses have been developed to meet the demands of the kitchenware industry crucial position employees. In view of various courses, some academic scholars and industrial experts are invited to review the evaluation of the importance. Based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Common Weight (CW) method, the most important and priority occupational competencycourses are in precedence to satisfy the demands of kitchenware industry.


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