  • 學位論文


A study of senior leisure intention – taking gambling entertainment as example

指導教授 : 張琬菁


面對時代的變遷,人口高齡化已是全世界的趨勢,高齡者追求成功老化,進而邁向良好的生活品質,本研究將用「樂齡族群」取代「高齡者」一詞,期盼高齡者可以透過休閒或娛樂活動的安排而達到「樂齡」終至「成功老化」。隨著博奕娛樂產業的蓬勃發展,博奕娛樂行為在近年來己成為樂齡族群新形態的休閒活動。然而,早期觀念往往把「博奕」及「病態賭博」視為同義詞,文獻指出,兩者之間的差異在參與者的態度和動機。台灣目前的博奕的研究多為探討病態賭徒行為及觀光賭場帶來的利弊得失,鮮少針對樂齡族群參與博奕娛樂行為態度、動機及意圖做研究,也較少探討樂齡族群將博奕娛樂行為視為休閒娛樂與休閒消費的可能性。本研究採取質性研究方式,以樂齡族群為主要研究對象,以焦點團體訪談法來探討樂齡族群對博奕娛樂行為的態度、動機及意圖。 經由焦點團體訪談,本研究發現樂齡族群對博奕娛樂行為之態度依生活經驗及背景而有不同的解讀,但仍以負面、有排斥感居多。本次受訪的參與者,其博奕娛樂行為的動機有經濟動機、娛樂動機、從眾動機、學習動機以及體驗動機,從動機面可看出樂齡族群有意願參與博奕娛樂行為的意圖;在態度面則無。研究同時發現,樂齡族群對博奕娛樂行為態度隨著對博奕的認識而轉變。本研究最後也依文中之發現,做出政策面及後續研究之建議。


The increasing of aging population is the trend of most developed countries. Nowadays, the seniors groups have a higher level of education, stable income, more leisure time, and healthier. They also are more willing to engage in recreational activities. As a result, gambling also becomes one of the leisure alternatives. However, many elderly people still hold the traditional notions that gambling is always coupled with debt, usury, bankruptcy, and social issues. Gambling or casino researches in Taiwan usually focus on the positive and negative effects that an integrated resort may bring along with tourism development. The impact and attitude brought to seniors through gambling behavior are rarely discussed. In this research, a focused interview was conducted to fully understand the elderly’s perceptions toward gambling. The result indicates that life experience and background have critical impact toward gambling perceptions, which usually leads to negative images. The participants also show their gambling motivations, which includes economic, entertainment, bandwagon, learning, and experience motivations. The result shows that the elderly have strong motivation in participating gambling behavior, while their attitudes prevent them to do so. The study also found that the attitude toward gambling turns more positive with better awareness of modern gambling industry. In the end of research, recommendations toward policy making and follow-up studies were proposed.


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