  • 學位論文


Effects on the Growth of Sunflowers by Adding Different Soil Amendments in Cadmium Contaminated Soil

指導教授 : 余伍洲


植生復育法( phytoremediation )為利用植物吸收土壤中之污染物後,經由植物之採收與移除等機制去除污染物。添加土壤改良劑主要是改變土壤性質使其改善植生生長環境,藉此增加植體對重金屬的吸收量。水淬爐石、轉爐石為一貫作業鋼廠中鋼公司煉鋼製程之副產品,主要用途為填地材料、肥料基材、土壤改良劑等。實驗中為探討受鎘重金屬污染土壤,施用水淬爐石、轉爐石及石灰等改良劑於鎘含量偏高之土壤進行向日葵盆栽試驗,在不同土壤改良劑下進行生長調查,土壤與植體分析、植生量及重金屬吸收量。 研究結果顯示,向日葵生長情形中,以添加水淬爐石效果較佳,次之為轉爐石及石灰,而未添加任何土壤改良劑之生長為最矮小。土壤中添加鎘之植物生長,明顯受到鎘污染土壤的影響,比未添加鎘之植物矮小;表示供試植物生長會受到土壤中鎘的影響,植體於鎘污染土壤中,會導致植體高度因土壤含鎘污染而降低。對於向日葵吸收鎘重金屬汙染效果,則以添加轉爐石效果最佳,次之為水淬爐石及石灰,而未添加任何土壤改良劑之植體為吸收量最少,植體吸收情形與土壤有機質有正相關( p<0.05 )。土壤陽離子交換能力之大小與 pH 值之高低呈正相關( p<0.05 ),土壤膠體帶陰電量多,則能吸附陽離子量愈多,其陽離子交換能力( Cation exchange capacity;CEC )則愈大,故 CEC 大小依土壤帶電量而異,其受 pH 的影響而發生變動為主要原因, pH 低時陰電量減低, pH 高時陰電量增高,故 CEC 勢必隨 pH 增高而加大,栽種向日葵土壤中 pH 值均有此現象。向日葵植體內含鎘分佈情況,主要為根部含鎘量為最高,次之為莖葉部分,花及種子部分則為最低;根據鎘污染土壤之盆栽試驗結果,無添加土壤改良劑生長情況不佳,甚至無法開花結果。


Phytoremediation is a method to remove the pollutants in the soil. The plants are used to absorb the pollutants and take them away from the soil. The purpose of adding the soil amelioration is to change the property of the soil and the growing environment. With this, the plants’ absorption of heavy mental can be increased. water-quenched slag and BOF slag are the by-products of the process of steel making in China Steel. They are generally applied as building material、the base material of fertilizer and soil amelioration. In this study, the sunflowes are growed in the soil contaminated with cadmium. An abundance of three different kinds of soil amelioration (water-quenched slag、BOF slag、lime) are added to the soil. Through the abservation of the plants’ growing, the researcher can analyse the soil and the plants and investigate the vegetation rate and the value of absorption of heavy mental. The result shows that water-quenched slag helps the sunflowers develop best , followed by BOF slag and lime. The plants without any soil amelioration are the shortest. Cadmium in the soil also affects the growing of the sunflowers. The plants in the soil contaminated with cadmium are shorter than those in the soil without cadmium. It means the height of the sunflowers is influenced by cadmium. The sunflowers in the soil with BOF slag absort the most cadmium, and then water-quenched slag and lime. The sunflowers in the soil without any soil amelioration abosrt the less cadmium. The positive correlation is significant between the quantity of absorption and soil organic matter (p<0.05). Also, the positive correlation is significant between cation exchange capacity of soil and pH value(p<0.05). When the pH value is lower, electronegative of variable charges induces and brings CEC reduction in soil, and vice versa. The situation about the change of the pH value in the soil happens in the process of growing the sunflowers. In the plant, the root contains the most cadmium, follwed by the stem and leaves, the flower and seed contains the less. According to the result, the sunflowers without any soil amelioration grow baldy and even can’t bloom and seed.


phytoremediation sunflower Cadmium soil amelioration


台灣勞工安全衛生研究所,2010,引自 http://www.iosh.gov.tw/
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