  • 學位論文


A Study on Grassland Vegetation in the Parks of Kaohsiung city

指導教授 : 謝清祥 鄭先祐


都市公園草地植群的生長會受到人為使用的影響,對於植群的組成 與分佈也扮演著相當重要的角色。早期的植群分類學家以探討自然野地 的植群為其目的,但近年來環境意識的抬頭,逐漸關注於生活周遭的環 境,也促使城鄉植群研究的興起。目前關於城鄉植群研究多只僅限於物 種的調查,對於環境與物種間關係的了解尚嫌不足,因此對於台灣植群 研究的涵蓋性仍有待努力。為更清楚台灣草地植群的慨況,惟有投入更 多的心力,才能真正了解這些非人為栽植草種的形成原因,並利用這些 研究結果做為日後草坪管理者的參考依據。 本研究於高雄市11 個行政區中,選取出11 座公園做為樣區,並依 公園草地狀態設置1 到3 條不等的樣帶,再將此樣帶分割出1 平方公尺 的小樣區來進行調查。總計設置了20 個樣帶2,186 個小樣區,紀錄到30 科85 屬124 種維管束植物。調查中並記錄樣區上方有無林蔭遮蔽、公園 使用人數及割草頻度等環境因素。經整理後,可了解高雄市公園草地物 II 種概況。並依草地物種重要值指數分析之結果,可將11 座公園區分出蠅 翼草-鯽魚草型、一枝香-香附子型與地毯草型之公園;依樣區上有無林蔭 遮蔽,可區分出蠅翼草-鯽魚草型與酢漿草型之植群型;依人為干擾程度 的高低可區分出千根草-伏生大戟型與金腰箭型之植群型。


The growth of grassland vegetation in urban park is affected by human activities. It plays an important role on the composition and distribution in recent years. Most of the vegetation plant taxonomists focused on studying natural wilderness, but increased the environment awareness has become popular and its interaction with life environment. So, it promoted the interects on the study of Urban-rural vegetation research. Presently most Urban-rural vegetation researches focused on the species investigation and lack research on the relationship between environment and species. In order to further understand Taiwanese Urban-rural vegetation information and its application, we devoted to these studies and to investigate the reason of non-human planting grass vegetation composition and evolution, and finally provide data for a lawn management in the future. The study selected 11 parks as research samples in Kaohsiung and within each park 1-3 transects were layed and then each transect was split out into 1 square meter plots for investigation of park grassland vegetation. Totally 20 transects were set up with 2186 plots. The result summarized with recorded 124 species, 85 genera and 30 families of vascular plants. Environmental factors under the shaded and non-shaded area above the plot were analyzed, number of users and mowing frequency studied in the park. By the importance value index of grassland species, the 11 parks were classified into Desmodium triflorum-Eragrostis tenella type, Vernonia cinerea-Cyperrus rotundus type and Axonopus type. Accoding to different shading conditions, parks were distinguished into 2 vegetation types: Desmodium triflorum-Eragrostis tenella type and Oxalis corniculata type. According to the level of human disturbance, Chamaesyce thymifolia-Chamaesyce prostrata type and Synedrella nodiflora type were classified.


楊純明。1994。雜草研究及其重要性。中華民國雜草學會簡訊 1:2。
of the Taiwan flora. In: Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan (eds.),


