  • 學位論文


Impacts of the Incentive System on Job Involvement and Job Performance - A Questionnaire investigation of the Contract Staff of National Universities in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 鄭文英


摘 要 學號:N9958001 論文名稱:組織激勵制度對員工的工作投入與工作績效相關影響之研究-以屏東縣國立大學約聘僱行政人員為例 總頁數:186 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別:企業管理研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:100學年度第2學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:嚴國銘 指導教授:鄭文英 博士 論文摘要內容: 在人力資源體系中,薪酬一直是影響員工工作績效的重要誘因,滿意的薪資報酬,除了可以保障員工的基本生活外亦有激勵之作用;薪資以外的福利制度則可彌補薪資之不足,且可提昇員工的工作士氣、增加組織凝聚力與向心力;陞遷制度除了代表職位的提昇、薪資的增加、權力的增長及能力的肯定外,更重要的是成就感的增強,故有很重要的激勵作用。 每個人的需求及激勵影響程度皆不同,有的人為金錢而工作,有的人為工作而工作,因此,一套良好激勵制度對某些人而言可能非常重要,能促使他努力工作,但對另外一些人來說,卻可能一點激勵作用也沒有,對組織而言,想達到有效率的績效目標,管理者必須瞭解相關激勵的主題,針對員工的需求與期望,設計一套有效的策略性激勵組合,吸引及留住優秀人才,激發員工的工作潛能,以提高員工的工作投入與工作績效,所以一套完善的激勵制度對於員工工作績效之高低,自然具有關鍵性的影響。 本研究主要目的乃利用問卷調查之方式,針對屏東縣三所國立大專院校內約聘僱行政人員進行研究,了解其在現行激勵制度下員工與工作績效的關係,以幫助管理者了解現況。 研究結果發現,整體而言,工作投入變項皆與工作績效間存在顯著相關影響,顯示約聘僱行政人員對於工作投入的程度會在工作績效上產生顯著影響。這也說明了約聘僱行政人員對於工作時間、挫折感、工作量忙碌程度、福利制度、主動參與、工作進度、工作投入意願等對工作績效產生正向顯著影響。因此,管理者在用才、甄選時,應盡量瞭解員工之人格特質,並制定符合員工需要與滿足的激勵制度,以便有提高員工工作投入意願與工作績效。 關鍵字:激勵制度、工作投入、工作績效、績效評核、聘僱人員


Abstract Student ID:N9958001 Title of thesis: Impacts of the Incentive System on Job Involvement and Job Performance- A Questionnaire investigation of the Contract Staff of National Universities in Pingtung County Total page:186P Name of Institute: Department of Business Management , National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate date:June, 2012 Degree Conferred:Master Name of student:Kuo-Ming Yan Adviser:Wen-Ying Cheng The contents of abstract in this thesis: Salary has been an important incentive in the human resources system. Besides making a living, a satisfactory payment encourages and inspires. A welfare system, apart from the monthly pay, assists incomes, promotes working morale, and enhances the sense of unity and solidarity. A sound transfer and promotion system benefits, too, in advancing position, increasing wages, and granting power, recognition, plus boosting sense of achievement. People are driven by individual needs and incentives. Some work for money, others work for work’s sake. An inflexible incentive system may, therefore, be inviting for some, yet indifferent for others. To achieve goals such as attracting and sustaining persons of talents, propelling potentials, and launching job involvement as well as work efficiency, it is advisable that the administrator integrate strategies and individualities by putting into consideration of his underlings’ respective needs and expectations. A well functional incentive system is pivotal in summoning the esprit de corps. On a purpose to help the university administrators, this study investigates, by collected questionnaires, impacts of the present incentive system on job involvement and job performances of the contract staff. The investigated objects are those so said employees in National Pintung University of Science and Technology, National Pingtung University of Education and National Pintung Institute of Commerce. As demonstrated in this thesis, variables in job involvement are fulcrums of job performances. In specific, working hours, sense of frustration, amount of workloads, welfare system, subjectivity and liberty in executing a job, deadlines…etc. decide job involvement and motivate job performances. By weighing upon the contract staff’s individual characters and abilities when assigning jobs and providing an incentive system fulfilling to their respective expectations, a university administrator will increase, accordingly, their job involvement and performances. Key word:Incentive system, job involvement, job performances, qualification system, contract personnel


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