  • 學位論文


A Study of Hakka Instruction Process for the Beginners of Junior High School Students


生活在都會區的客家子弟,由於自我認同、強勢文化等內外在因素影響,許多年紀已達十二至十四歲的國中生,是沒有機會學會母語的,研究者緣於自己成功實踐了家庭的母語復甦,遂以回溯方式整理其歷程經驗,透過前導性研究的成功經驗,多元教學策略,並運用「第二語言」學習之相關理論,進行一年的「國中學生初學客家語之歷程研究」。   客語實驗教學的期程分為準備期、招募了三十位沒有客語先備能力的國中學生參與實驗,並進行語文閱讀理解能力的前測,以了解學生語文學習能力,接著進行客語拼音方案的學習,然後進入單元教材的教學活動,過程中運用形成性評量,隨時檢測教學狀況,並於教學活動結束時進行總結性評量,接著讓學生沈澱以及自主學習,最後輔導學生參加客家委員會的數位線上語言認證以檢核學習的成效。   實驗教學的歷程中,研究者以第二語言習得的理念,運用到客家母語的實驗教學實踐中,靈活運用聽說教學法及朗讀教學法,再輔以增強物刺激增益學習者的學習動能,教學之初,先奠定「第二語言」學習的工具基礎,先教授客語標音與拼讀,並以訓練成直覺反應為目標,再透過班級式的單元教學活動,進行詞語字義認識,及演練客語標音拼讀,以及連續機械式地重複句子的演練,教師一再地重複詞語的範讀,並養了學生放聲跟讀的習慣,在不斷地增強口語練習,隨時及隨機邀請學生演示中,學生快速習得了客語認字與判讀的能力,並能說些簡單的日常生活詞語,讓學生了建立自信,也建立了客語自主學習之能力。   「國中學生初學客家語之歷程研究」以實驗教學歷程實踐,經歸納分析獲得如下之研究成果: 一、客語拼音教學,採取直覺式反應訓練時,能建立學生快速辨識與判讀客語標音的能力。 二、單元教學時,交互使用聽說教學法及溝通式教學法,能快速建立學生口語能力及繼續學習客語的興趣。 三、運用朗讀教學法透過比賽訓練,可讓學生聽與說的能力快速提升。 四、運用多元教學增強刺激模式,可成功提高學生學習動能。 五、運用教學約定,以訂定短期容易達成的具體目標,可有效的指引學生學習路徑。   國中階段實施鄉土語言教學受到較多主客觀因素的羈絆,本研究提出下列經驗與發現,供國中鄉土教育實踐者及後續研究者參考: 一、進行客語拼音教學須先褪去標音符號與英文的聯結。 二、客語教學教師以溫和親切關懷的態度,交互運用聽說教學法與溝通式教學法,並輔以文化與增強物刺激可增益教學成效。 三、國中鄉土教育師資,安排校內現職符合本土語言師資者為宜。 四、國中鄉土教育宜調整為語文領域選修課程,以符合實際需求。 關鍵詞:母語復甦、多元增強激勵、自主學習、客語標音、學習路徑


Nowadays many Hakka children, twelve-to-fourteen-year-old junior high school students, living in metropolitan areas, lack of opportunities to learn their native language, due to either internal or external factors, such as self-identity, the impact of superior culture and so forth. The researcher had succeeded in bringing the Hakka language back in his family; therefore, by applying the experiences, this study was conducted. With these successful preliminary experiences, the researcher further applied both multi-teaching strategies and second language learning theories to design and practice the one-year Hakka language experimental teaching program.   This experimental teaching of Hakka language had a few steps, in the steps of preparation, thirty junior high school students without any prior knowledge of Hakka language were recruited, and then pre-test was taken to understand students’ ability of language learning. In the following step, the learning of Hakka phonetic symbols was carried out, after that the module of learning materials were conducted. During the research, formative evaluations were given, in order to adjust the teaching; moreover summative evaluations were conducted in the end of teaching activities. Furthermore,students’ autonomous learning, and following by attending the Digital On-line language Certification by Hakka Affairs, were adopted in order to examine the learning achievement.   In the course of the experimental teaching, the researcher applied the second language learning theories to the practice of Hakka language learning. The listening-and-speaking strategy and the reciting strategy were operated with some reinforcements to stimulate students’ learning motivation. In the beginning of teaching, Hakka phonetic symbols and spelling systems, the foundation of learning, were taught to train them for instinctive reaction of Hakka language. Further the teaching activities for class were aimed to understand the meaning of words, practice Hakka phonetic symbols and spellings, and repeat sentences continually and mechanically. The researcher read the materials again and again, and students repeated, in order to enhance the ability of speaking, furthermore, random performances also improved students’ abilities of words recognition and interpretation, also, doing some daily conversations established their confidence in Hakka language, and the most important, the ability of autonomous learning.   The results were described as follows: 1.The practice of instinctive reaction for Hakka phonetic symbols established students’ abilities of words recognition and interpretation. 2.The use of both listening-and-speaking strategy and communication strategy for the teaching of modules improves students’ oral abilities and their interests in Hakka language. 3.Through the oral reading strategy during the competition, students’ skill of listening and speaking achieved better. 4.The multi-teaching reinforcements inspired students’ motivation. 5.The setting of short-term specific targets could guide the path of learning for students. In the junior high school stage, conducting the native language teaching faces many difficulties. This study offers some experience and suggestions for native educationers in junior high school and future researchers: 1.When carrying out phonetic symbols teaching, the association in thinking with notional phonetic alphabet and English must be eliminated. 2.The Hakka language teachers should have moderate and kind attitudes; the use of listening-and-speaking strategy, communication strategy, culture and reinforcements could improve the effectiveness of teaching. 3.The recruitment of native teachers for a junior high school was suggested to hire the present qualified native teachers in that school. 4.The native education should be optional courses in the field of language and literature in junior high school. Keywords : Mother tongue recovery, Multiple enhancement incentive, Autonomous learning, Hakka phonetic, Learning Paths


