  • 學位論文


Spatial Distribution of Total Volatile Organic Compounds in Kaohsiung Airport

指導教授 : 張國慶


近年來許多國家一直倡導室內空氣品質之重要性,由於每人每天約有90%時間都處在室內空間,而室內空氣品質之良寙,相對直接影響在國人生活健康及工作品質效率上。揮發性有機化合物是無色刺激性氣體,為維護國人身體健康及國家的生活品質,行政院環保署將總揮發性有機化合物列管為毒性污染物,並於 2012年11月23日公布室內空氣品質標準總揮發性有機化合物標準值(一小時值,0.56 ppm),因此總揮發性有機化合物對人體健康危害備受重視。 本研究以高雄小港國際機場為例,當旅客為因應報到、驗關、登機等程序,旅客於機場航廈內平均滯留時間至少兩小時以上,室內空氣品質對於來往的旅客或許是小問題,但對於長期在高雄機場內工作的職員卻是一個不得不重視的問題。 由直讀式儀器監測結果得知國際線機票劃位區(中華航空)監測濃度值為監測濃度最高點位置,4月2日濃度值為288ppb,連續每天監測結果顯示國際線航廈的室內空氣品質比國內線室內空氣品質濃度較高,連續每天監測結果顯示高雄小港機場航廈內室內空氣品質濃度最大值濃度都不超過300ppb,以參考國內行政院環保署所訂定室內空氣品質總揮發性有機化合物標準值,機場航廈內所監測到的濃度均不超過公告標準值。


Many countries have been advocating the importance of indoor air quality. People spend approximately 90% of the time indoors a day, thus good indoor air quality is very important. The quality of indoor air would directly impact human health and work performance. Volatile organic compounds are colorless and irritating gases. To protect human health and the quality of life, the Taiwan EPA regulated the total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) as the toxic indoor air pollutants. On November 23, 2012, Taiwan EPA also proclaimed the standard value of the volatile organic compounds (standard value is 0.56 ppm in one hour). In additional, TVOCs has been classified as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Hence, the public awareness of the risk of the TVOCs to the human health and environment highly aroused. Take Kaohsiung Airport as an example, the mean residence time of a passenger was 2 hours. The number of passengers would affect the indoor air quality, i.e. the more passengers; the worse indoor air quality. In terms of the time staying in Kaohsiung Airport, to those who are travelling, this bad indoor air quality might cause a small effect on their health; however, it could damage the long-term staff’s health. Monitoring results via direct reading instruments showed that the China Airline International Ticketing Counter had the highest TVOCs value. On April 2nd , 2014, the concentration was 288ppb. The daily indoor air quality monitoring also indicated that the indoor air quality of the international terminal was worse than that of the domestic terminal. Indoor air quality concentrations in Kaohsiung Airport did not exceed 300ppb that was below the standard value of TVOCs set by EPA's indoor air quality guideline.


1. 李彥頤,2004,辦公空間室內空氣品質管制策略之研究,博士論文,國立成功大學,建築學系研究所,臺南。
5. 美國職業安全衛生協會,2013,(NIOSH)http://www.cdc.gov/niosh
11. 余雅如,2010,醫院室內空氣品質模試模擬,碩士論文,國立交通大 學,環境工程研究所,新竹。
2. 世界衛生組織(WHO),1984, http://www.who.int/en/
