  • 學位論文


Appling the Tenon Joints Technology of Japanese Wooden Construction on the construction of Large Chinese Armchair ─A case of Installment Art made by Driftwood

指導教授 : 林錦盛 黃俊傑


漂流木為一錯置的自然資源,是大自然的瑰寶,在利用上卻常因木材在漂流過程中因碰撞或吸脫濕快速而造成纖維的開裂,使得強度降低。因此本研究將雲杉試材開槽模擬纖維開裂,並分別灌注兩種環氧樹脂作為修復補強,再以抗彎試驗來測得灌注前後之試材抗彎強度,結果顯示環氧樹脂的灌注可有效改善因纖維開裂所造成的強度降低,改善率可達93%以上,而經過W型環氧樹脂灌注後試材之抗彎強度甚至高於未損壞試材。再將創作之漂流木製材品實大材表面裂縫灌注W型環氧樹脂後,以應力波計時儀檢測其灌注前後動彈性模數值,結果顯示實驗區灌注修復後之強度達未受損區之85%(或以上)。經兩種實驗顯示,環氧樹脂灌注修復可增加漂流木之力學強度,提高漂流木之可使用性。 太師椅為臺灣傳統家具中是最被尊崇的,是廳堂中擺設的重心。中國傳統座具的發展經歷了幾千年的洗鍊,具有豐富的人文意識,座椅的各部分皆有典故意涵,又充滿美感。因此以具有文化、歷史意涵豐富的太師椅來作為設計形態。 日式木構造建築是臺灣的木建築當中,最令人熟知且印像深刻的。而日式木構造建築結構體中的榫卯接合,是一種傳統接合技術,源於中國,是日治時期由日本人引進臺灣,其樑柱式的建築型態以及完整的大木作榫卯工法的展現,為臺灣的建築文化歷史上增添了新的一頁,因此保存記錄傳統建築榫卯工藝,更是對文化資產的重視。 本研究利用漂流木為創作材料,試用日式大木作榫卯接合技術結合太師椅造形的文化意涵,創作兼具景觀藝術及實用性之休憩空間,讓臺灣的歷史經驗得以永續,傳統文化得以展現、榫卯技術得以發揚。


太師椅 大木作 榫接 漂流木


The traditional furniture of Chinese armchair in Taiwan is the most respected, it is the major of decoration in the hall. Development of China's traditional seat has experienced several years, has a rich cultural consciousness, the parts of the seat all include allusions meaning, and full aesthetic. Use the cultural, historical meaning as Chinese armchair to be the design modeling. Japanese-style wooden building was wooden constructed building in Taiwan among the most well-known and profound impression. The Japanese-style wooden structure of the building structure tenon joints, is a traditional joints techniques, from China, was introduced by the Japanese during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, and its column and beam construction type and complete show of Construction carpentry method, it has added a new page of the architectural and cultural history in Taiwan, so record the traditional tenon joints construction process, but also the importance of cultural assets. Driftwood is the misplacement resources of natural, is treasure of nature, but often because of the wood drifting to collision or suck off quickly and cause cracking wet fibers, making lower strength. Therefore, this study will test spruce materials slotted simulation fiber cracking, and repair were reinforced epoxy resin as the perfusion of two, then try bending tests measured the bending strength of the material before and after infusion, perfusion perfusion of epoxy can effectively improve fiber strength to cracking caused by reduced rate of improvement of up to 93%, while the W-type epoxy resin infusion after flexural strength test materials are even higher than the test material is not damaged. Creation of surface cracks and then drift wood products timber after W-type epoxy resin infusion use by stress waves timer to detects its perfusion dynamic elastic modulus , the experimental results show that the strength of the repaired area of perfusion undamaged area of up to 85 % (or more). After two experiments showed that the mechanical strength of the epoxy resin infusion increases the driftwood of repair and improve the usability of driftwood. In this study, use driftwood for the creation of materials, try to combine Japanese-style Construction carpentry tenon joints technique and the cultural meaning of Chinese armchair, and creation a space both of practicality and installment art, to be sustainable of the historical experience of Taiwan, traditional culture to show , tenon joints technology to develop.


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