  • 學位論文


Study on the Experience of Hairdressing the World Skills

指導教授 : 羅希哲


技職教育以培育專門技術人才為主要教育目標,在我國的經濟發展過程,更是扮演重要的角色。技職學生除學得一技之長外,參與競賽更是提升技藝的最佳途徑,臺灣自58年以特別身分參加國際技能競賽迄今,屢獲佳績,研究者在培訓美髮選手工作達28年,經驗豐富,為將經驗傳承,乃結合國內相關研究,探討國際技能競賽美髮選手參與經驗。其研究目的為探究國際技能競賽選手平日培訓的準備過程、參賽過程的培訓制度與經驗、未來的進路。 本研究旨在探討國際技能競賽選手對選拔訓練、培訓制度、競賽方式與進路輔導,藉由訪談5位曾參與國手培訓的受訪者,依訪談內容作資性分析,得到以下結論:1.在國際技能競賽選拔方式上,分區技能競賽前五名或全國家事技藝競賽前三名,參加國手選拔,前三名代表臺灣參賽。培訓老師除經驗豐富,了解考題趨勢,還要加強學生創意與英文能力。參與國際技能競賽除獎金鼓勵外,希望政府能提供更多規劃。2.在參與國際技能競賽過程上,補助經費明顯不足。在老師和裁判的意見中,選手得理出頭緒,尋出最佳練習方向。選手從分區賽到國際賽,累積不少經驗,憑藉這些經驗使選手在技能、創作與藝術眼光上均凌駕其他競爭者之上。參賽過程都很積極正向,遇到瓶頸皆能與師長、學長姐討論,參賽時更能從容不迫地應戰。3.在進路輔導上,助益最大的莫過於保送國立大學或技專院校。選手建議政府再提供更多優惠措施,如擔任國手選拔評審或相當職務。保送大學最好與選手所學相符,培訓老師能多參與國際賽事,吸收新知,或聘請國際大師指導,以有益於選手技能的精進。 由以上結果,研究者再提出對選手、指導老師、政府機關與未來研究的建議,以作為日後國際技能競賽美髮選手參與經驗之研究。


This main purpose of this study was designed to investigate the international hairdressing competition for the selection of competitor training, training systems, competition rules and career counseling. This research has interviewed five winning competitors participating in the training program, and the main findings are summarized as follows. 1. In the selection of competitors in the international hairdressing competition, competitors should take part in the Zone competitions first and the top five or three winners are qualified for the international competitions. Besides, the official trainers must be experienced, understand the testing trends, and also need to strengthen students’ creativity and English ability. Therefore, not only do the competitors need the encourage of prize money, but it also needs the future career-planning from the government. 2. In the process of taking part in the international hairdressing competition, it is obvious that the lack of the sponsorship. Following the suggestions from the official trainers and the jury, the competitors have to figure out what to do and how to do it exactly. Thanks to accumulated experiences, the competitors can be more skillful at hairdressing tips, techniques and creations and excel other competitors. Most importantly, when facing obstacles, competitors think positive and are willing to talk about the problems with the official trainers and other senior competitors. By doing so, the competitors will be easily stay calm when engaged in the competitions. 3. That resources for career counseling to assist competition winners in entering the national universities is needed. Moreover, the competitors hope that the authorized can provide more privilege offers, such as serving as a jury in the international competition. Based on the results, the researcher has provided the suggestions for competitors, trainers and the authorized officials in preparation for the future study based on the international hairdressing competitions.


林倩綾 (2008)。我國國際技能競賽選手參賽經驗之研究。臺北科技大學技職教育研究所碩士論文,未出版,臺北。
