  • 學位論文


A Narrative Inquiry of Traditional Chefs’ Life

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


本研究旨在藉由外燴辦桌總鋪師自身的敍說,來探究總鋪師在傳統辦桌的歷程。也就是透過總鋪師的生命故事,來瞭解總鋪師是如何踏入此行業;探究總鋪師辦桌生涯發展的經驗;探究辧桌菜色與習俗的關連性;瞭解總鋪師在辧桌生涯裡的成功永續經營之道;並且探究總鋪師對家族傳承看法及對後輩的期望。   研究對象共有三位,分別在不同地區擔任外燴辦桌的總鋪師,且從事該行業都長達三十年以上之資歷,不論是從父親學藝或是餐廳學藝,都歷經辛苦付出與努力經營,在辦桌市場上才能佔有一席之地 ,並建立一個穩固的基礎。而透過敘說探究及參與觀察的研究方法,可以更深層次地去瞭解經營傳統文化產業的總鋪師的故事,因此本研究以深度訪談法及參與觀察法為主要的資料收集方法,每位個案的訪談次數兩到三次,參與觀察一到兩次,依個案辧桌時間與訪談內容的資料收集完整與否做決定。訪談及參與辦桌時間於民國一○二年十一月到民國一○四年五月間進行,過程中則依個案狀況決定訪談次數、時間及地點。   經過資料整理與分析之後,得到以下五點結論: 一、總鋪師的入行是有著一種理所當然的認知 二、總鋪師的職涯發展歷程符合建立、維持及衰退階段 三、總鋪師的菜色是國際化與古早味的混血兒 四、總鋪師對菜色與習俗文化有相當的認知辦桌 五、總鋪師的永續經營不二法門就是對客人的誠信與負責 六、市場漸漸流失對總鋪師的家業傳承有極大的影響     藉由三位成功並永續經營的辦桌總鋪師生命故事敍說,能讓大眾對總鋪師及辦桌文化有更多、更深一層的認識,讓年長者有著曾經的回憶,讓年輕一代有著對台灣傳統文化辦桌的認知。 關鍵字:總鋪師、辦桌、敍說探究


總鋪師 辦桌 敍說探究


Three Traditional Catering Chefs were invited to narrate their career development story regarding to the relationship between delicacies versus local features; to understand the successful career path of sustainable development; in addition to the views and expectations of the family heritage to the younger generation. The interviews and the participation of Catering events were conducted between November, 2013 and May, 2015 based on the individual case and situation to determine the interview frequency, time and location. This study concludes several main viewpoints based on three traditional catering chef’s narrative their life stories. 1. Traditional Chefs self-cognition is the fundamental element of the business development. 2. Traditional Chefs' career development is in line with the establishment, maintenance and recession evolvement. 3. Traditional Chefs dishes are a complication by way of hybrid with international and traditional tastes. 4. Traditional Chefs designed their dishes based on their considerable cultural awareness with living customs. 5. Traditional Chefs winning trick is to honor and respect for their business. 6. The traditional catering demand decreased has great impacts on family business inheritance. By three successful Traditional Chefs’ life story and narratives, it allows public to recognize the Traditional Chefs and learn more about traditional catering culture. It also brings good memories back for elders and lead the young generation to have a great sense of Taiwanese traditional catering philosophy. Keywords: Traditional Chef, Narrative Inquiry, Traditional catering Banque


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朱振藩(2003)。飲食業今古談。中國飲食文化會訊,9(2),67- 73 。

