  • 學位論文


Study of the Dioxin-like Compounds for Sediments from Aquaculture Pond around the Petroleum Industrial Park

指導教授 : 林傑


本研究為探討兩個季節(乾季及濕季)石化工業區附近養殖魚塭內底泥之類戴奧辛化合物濃度及毒性貢獻,及使用Fugacity Model模擬乾濕季中類戴奧辛化合物之環境流佈並與實測值進行比較。本研究依照採樣點距離石化工業區之0~10km、11~20km、20km外,分類為近區、遠區、偏遠進行討論。結果顯示,濕季及乾季底泥∑PCDD/Fs原始濃度範圍分別為30.70~988.25 pg / g (d.w.)、 24.68~182.03 pg / g (d.w.);經毒性當量因子轉換後,濕季及乾季底泥∑PCDD/Fs毒性當量濃度範圍分別為0.13~1.62 pgWHO-TEQ/g (d.w.)、0.361~3.560 pgWHO-TEQ/g (d.w.)。濕季及乾季底泥∑PCBs原始濃度範圍分別為10.47~184.86 pg / g (d.w.)、10.45~89.49 pg / g (d.w.);經毒性當量因子轉換後,濕季及乾季底泥∑PCBs毒性當量濃度範圍分別為0.010~0.108 pgWHO-TEQ/g (d.w.)、0.03~0.18 pgWHO-TEQ/g (d.w.)。濕季各地區測得之PCDD/Fs、PCBs之原始濃度大於乾季各地區所測得之濃度。且PCDDs隨著季節變化(濕季到乾季)毒性貢獻減少,PCDFs則隨著季節變化(濕季到乾季)毒性貢獻增加。選擇適當之Fugacity Model模擬參數執行PCDD/Fs濃度計算,顯示計算模擬值範圍趨近於乾濕季實測底泥PCDD/Fs濃度。


This study investigate the Dioxin-like compounds concentration and toxic contributions in fish farm's sediments nearby the Petroleum Industrial Park within two season, and used Fugacity Model simulate environment distribution in two season of Dioxin-like compounds were compared with measured values. In this study, the classified region codes is according to the sampling locations within a radius of the Petroleum Industrial Park from 0~10km,11~20km and 20km outside respectively, and classified to near zone,far zone and remote districts. From the results show that wet season and dry season sediments ΣPCDD / Fs concentration ranges are 30.70 ~ 988.25 pg / g (dw)、24.68 ~ 182.03 pg / g (dw) respectively. After TEF conversion, wet season and dry season sediments ΣPCDD / Fs toxicity equivalency quantity (TEQ) ranges are 0.13~1.62 pgWHO-TEQ/g (d.w.)、0.361~3.560 pgWHO-TEQ/g (d.w.) respectively. Wet season and dry season sediments ΣPCBs concentration ranges are 10.47~184.86 pg / g (d.w.)、10.45~89.49 pg / g (d.w.) respectively. After TEF conversion, wet season and dry season sediments ΣPCBs TEQ ranges are 0.010~0.108 pgWHO-TEQ/g (d.w.)、0.03~0.18 pgWHO-TEQ/g (d.w.) respectively. The concentrations of PCDD/Fs、PCBs measured in various regions of the wet season, it were greater than the measured concentration of each region of the dry season. PCDDs change with the seasons (wet season to the dry season) to reduce the toxicity contribution, PCDFs change with the seasons (wet season to the dry season) to increase the toxicity contribution.Select the appropriate Fugacity Model simulation parameters to calculate PCDD / Fs concentrations, displays the calculated range of analog values approaches the value of PCDD / Fs actual measurement in wet and dry season sediments.


王建智,2014,石化工業區附近養殖魚塭內底泥之PCDD/Fs、PCBs濃度與Fugacity Model模擬值之比較研究,碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學,環境工程與科學系研究所,屏東。
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