  • 期刊


Loyalty or Treachery: The Life of Foreign Minister Hsieh Chieh-shih (謝介石) of Manchukuo


有關日治時期在滿洲的台灣人,過去很少有人研究,主要在於資料零散以及戰後局勢改變,使曾有滿洲經驗的台人隱藏起這段經驗。謝介石是日治時期台灣人中當官當得最大的,他曾任滿洲國第一任外交部總長、第一任駐日大使,因此由謝開始,做為探討這段歷史的第一步。 本文旨在敘明謝介石的身世、早年活動,參與張動復辟,結識、奔走於清遜帝溥儀門下之經過,分析其擔任滿洲國外交部總長,在於宣統遠親、吉林省長熙洽的推薦,擔任總長期間應付李頓調查團,接收海關,對外擴展外交關係,任答禮使及滿洲國皇帝的扈從,前往日本之狀況;就任第一任駐日大使後,代表滿洲國皇帝回台參加台灣始政四十周年記念博覽會並為其子締姻新竹鄭家,退任後任滿洲房產株式會社理事長,而後轉居北京。戰後因漢奸罪被捕,1948年出獄,1954年過世。 謝介石到滿洲國,為日治時期台灣人的海外活動拓展了新的空間,更形成標杆式的存在,他介紹不少台灣人進入滿洲國行政體系中,尤其是外交部,他成為台人海外發展成功的範例。不過他一生由清國籍而日本籍、中華民國籍、滿洲「國」籍,這樣不同的身分轉換,究竟他的認同是什麽?他的勤「王」對中華民國而言就是叛國,被以漢奸罪審判就不足為奇了。總之,對謝數奇一生之研究,揭示了對日治時期在滿洲台灣人活動之一斑,做為展開日治時期在滿洲的台灣人研究的起步,應該是可行的。


謝介石 滿洲國 溥儀


Research on the lives of overseas Taiwanese in the state of Manchuria or Manchukuo (滿洲國) in the Japanese colonial era has been scarce. This study is a pioneering attempt to explore the history of this period through reviewing the life of the highest-ranking official originally from Taiwan. Hsieh Chieh-shih (1879-1954). Hsieh, a Taiwanese native from Hsinchu, was the first Foreign Minister of Manchukuo as well as its first ambassador to Japan. This paper traces the life of Hsieh, his early activities, his role in the restoration attempt of Chang Hsun (張動), and his service to the last Qing emperor Pu-i. During his tenure as Manchukuo's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hsieh had to deal with the investigation team from the League of Nations and establish relationships with other countries. As ambassador to Japan, Hsieh represented Manchukuo at the Taiwan exhibition of the fortieth anniversary of Japanese colonial rule of Taiwan (台灣始政四十周年記念博覽會) held in October 1935. Having retired from official duties, Hsieh served as the director of Manchu House Property Company (滿洲房産株式會社) and moved to Beijing. Alter the Second World War. Hsieh was charged of treason and put jailed. He was released in 1948. Over the course of his life, Hsieh had different nationalities and identities. He was born in 1879 during the Qing Dynasty, recognized as a Japanese subject in the colonial era, became a national of the Republic of China in 1915, and changed again to become a Manchurian in 1932. What do his changes in nationality and identity say about changing loyalties? In sum, the life of Hsieh, with all its twists and turns, serves as a good starting point for understanding the activities of overseas Taiwanese in Manchukuo in the Japanese colonial era.


(1904)。台灣日日新報 漢文版。


江杰龍(2013)。臺灣人在廈門活動之再探討(1911-1946) ——以鴉片、走私、漢奸問題為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0801201418034688
