  • 期刊


A Research on Cultural-Structural Relationship of Taiwan Famil Enterprises: The Dual-System Model and Some Realted Managerial Problems


台灣企業的家族性格相當濃厚,而家族企業就是「家族」(血緣系譜共同體)與「企業」(經濟生活共同體)的綜合呈現。若說台灣企業已然擺脫家族格局,則企業傳承與分房法則仍主導著企業主的思維模式,若論台灣企業只侷限於家族範疇,又無法解釋具有明確功能且發揮高度效率的企業組織,因此「家族」與「企業」均應給予同等關照。家族企業表現在管理風格上即呈現出大家長式的「威權領導」、強調私人連帶的「關係取向」,以及強化領袖特質的「印象整飾」,企業高階管理層通常是由「家族系統」或「泛家族系統」所掌握,在高階管理層中家族指揮系統較諸企業指揮系統更直接。在此層次之下,企業有著與西方同樣結構及功能的組織,有明確的工作說明、績效評估及昇遷管道,換言之,在組織的中下層存在著吾人所熟知的「企業系統」,此系統的管理風格本質上強調專業能力與績效。故本地一般企業中同時受到家族主義 (falnilism)與專業主義(Professionalism)兩種不同思維的影響,也使得兩個不同系統並存於同一組織中,本地這種家族企業中所呈現的雙元系統(dual一system)組織現象,由於觀念及價值上的差異,使得組織管理的風格與執行皆面臨潛在的衝突。因為企業主有權利支配家族私有財產,同時有義務照顧家族成員,為延續家族企業的生命並傳承給自己的子女,必然會在家族系統中積極推動「家族成員專業化」的工作。另一方面,這些家族企業也必須依賴外部專業人員來協助企業的經營與決策制訂,由於家族企業最重視「忠誠度」,故組織成員缺乏此條件就難以被企業主託負重任。換句話說,「專業成員家族化」是家族企業主拔擢人才的基本策略。由於此雙元系統的判準不同,組織專業成員從「專業能力」轉換到「忠誠關係」,必然面臨價值觀的潛在衝突,進而可能造成組織內中階專業幹部流失的「極端共存」現象,與「共識與派系」的矛盾共存現象。本研究試圖透過「家族」與「企業」的雙元系統結構模型,來探討本土文化背景下家族企業組織結構的現象,及其所可能導致的管理問題。雖然家族企業有其彈性、效率等優點,但仍有其特有的問題待克服,雙元系統模型的觀點提供了一個不同的切入角度,其目的旨在增加吾人對本地家族企業的描述與解釋能力。


Family enterprise is the most important form in Taiwan society. And this organizational form is different from those of Western and Japanese family enterprises. Basically speaking, family enterprise is composed of “family (kinship composite)” and “enterprise (economy composite) .“ Although traditional rules of heritage and disintegration-of-property still dominate the owner/managers’ mindset, modern management systems and techniques are also adopted in these enterprises. The managerial style of these family enterprises reveals “authoritarian leadership,”“kuan-hsi orientation,” and “charisma-impression management.” And this kind of style is closely related to Chinese Familism which is a cultural-specific product. The members of the top management are also the members of the “family (or the enlarged family) system,” and family informal influence is even more powerful than formal authority in this system. The “enterprise system” stays beneath the family system and is op erated by Professionalism and performance. Because these two systems are dominated by Familism and Professionalism respectively, local family enterprises face severe managerial problems for the sake of different isms. This “Dual-System” structure of local family enterprise causes potential conflicts, especially on systems’ interface. For the criteria of these two systems are so different in nature, organizational members have to recognize the dramatic change of values from “professional ability (criterion of the enterprise system)” to “kinship-like loyalty (criterion of the family system)” when going upward in the hierarchy. These potential conflicts on systems’ interface may cause managerial issues like “the outflow of mid—level professionals (Bipolar Coexistence phenomenon)” and “the paradoxical alignment of consensus and faction” in the family enterprises. The Dual-System Model in this research tries to explore the cultural reasons as well as to explain the phenomena of local family enterprises from different viewpoint. This paradigmatic shift in focal viewpoint may increase our description and interpretation capabilities to Taiwan family enterprises.


張寶芸(2015)。企業所有權結構與利益同化現象對台灣上市公司績效與高階人員薪酬影響— 公司治理的微觀基礎觀點〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500764
