  • 期刊


Destructive Innovation in General Education Curriculum Flip: Reflection on the Long-Distance Interactive Experience from Cross-Domain "Learning and Teaching" to "Teaching"




跨領域 破壞性創新 翻轉


In the past, university students could have a stable life. However, due to the rapid development of high technology, the talents and skills necessary for survival have changed. Hence, students now have faced a greater sense of economic insecurity, as their academic focus goes beyond just being admitted to a university. The core competencies and talents needed for the present and the future education must include ways to foster cross-domain knowledge and atypical intelligence. Therefore, the post-secondary instructors who teach general courses in liberal arts must have the ability to integrate multidisciplinary and cross-domain knowledge in a classroom. In this paper, with my cross-domain knowledge and multidisciplinary expertise, I try to integrate the concept of destructive innovation flip into my distance education teaching practice, reflecting on the process of moving from "learning and teaching" to "teaching".


cross-domain disrupt innovation flip


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