  • 期刊


a Re-interpretation of the Original Meanings of aπλοi and πεπλεγμ?νοι in Aristotle <<Poetics>> and Its Applicatory : Single Plot and Plot of Wove- Events- in the Present -and–the- Past


亞理斯多德《詩學》中提出aπλοi與πεπλεγμ?νοι兩種類型的戲劇情節。英譯simple和complex,中文又據英譯而分別譯為簡單(或單純)與複雜情節。由於這兩個術語語意的爭議,引起讀者的困擾。本文從希臘原文的語言文字分析,企圖恢復這兩個術語的原始意義。 按aπλοi的原始意義為“單一”,而非簡單(或單純);也即所有現在時間的戲劇行動事件在同一個方向上朝未來發展成為一個連貫整體行動。而πεπλεγμ?νοι原係πλ?κω的自身動詞(middle, verb, 相當於英文的反身動詞,但用法上不盡相同)的分詞被動現在完成式。這個動詞的原義係“編”或“織”;實與複雜一義無關。因此,不論英譯或拉丁文譯(complexus)皆屬譯者詮釋性的迻譯用語而背離原義;所以本文摒棄英譯simple和complex的概念,也無意引證這類關論點,仍直接就原文重新詮釋。在希臘文中自身動詞係泛指行為者所做的行為要回到自己的本身(Goodwin 442)。換言之,依據πεπλεγμ?νοι自身動詞的分詞被動現在完成式“編”或“織”的原義,則這類情節係:“行為者所做現在事件與他過去所做的事件又回到自己本身而被交織成為一個完整的行動”。經由《衣狄浦斯王》實例的應用性,以及與荷馬史詩情節的比較,不僅證明已恢復這兩類情節的原始意義;同時證實本文重新詮釋的正確性。




Aristotle Poetics indicates plots either aπλοi or πεπλεγμ?νοι. Following Simple and Complex in English, they are termed as 簡單(jian-dan) and 複雜(fu-Za) in Chinese respectively. Since the dispute on these translated terms causes readers’ confusion. The paper tries to base upon the Greek language analysis, and to restore their original meaning in <<Poetics>>. Aπλοi. In Greek means Single rather Simple; so Single plot is dramatic events that a man performs in the present toward to future all in one direction as a continuous complete action as a whole. Πεπλεγμ?νοι is participle, present perfect, passive voice of middle verb πλ?κω, which basically means plait, weave, enfold; therefore, it is obviously nothing to do with the meaning of Complex in English. Consequently, either the translation of English or of Latin (complexus) is the terms by translators’ interpretative expressions, and missed their original sense; hence, the paper gives up the endeavor in English, and has no intention to quote such points of view as references in this paper. In Greek, the middle voice generally signifies that the subject performs an action upon himself (Goodwin 422). Accordingly, the plot of πεπλεγμ?νοι, that accords the original meaning of “plait or weave,” as participle, present perfect and passive voice, is the events that a man had done in the past has been wove with the event that the man performs in the present as a continuous action as a whole. In other words, πεπλεγμ?νοι is the plot of wove-events in the present and the past; it is properly as 被交織型情節(lai-Zy-shen jian-jy-shing ching-jie) in Chinese, completely difference with the sense of 複雜 (complex). The new interpretation has been proved to restore the Greek original meaning of the two kinds of plot by the applicatory of Sophocles <<Oedipus>>, and by the comparative of the plots of Homer’s epics, both which also give a solid valid to accuracy of the paper working on the new approach which seemingly has never been done before.


