  • 期刊


A Study on the Sources of the Geomantic Directionality-The Observation of the Sun and the Big Dipper


中國堪輿發展的高峰期大約是在唐代,在當時「理氣」方位的運作模式,已經非常複雜而沿用到現代。事實上,古人的方位活動很早就已經展開,可以確定最遲在周代,對於構築宮舍就已經講究方位的藝術了。 本研究從先民在方位上的兩大活動,一是白天測量日影,一是夜晚觀察北斗的變化,來考究堪輿理氣立向之背景,以及其系統架構建立的根源。從測日與觀斗當中不單包含了方位的測定,也觀察到了時間、季節的往復進行,兩者間的變化有密切的關係,建構了往後堪輿理氣立向系統的操作:一是卦爻、術數的運作方式,一是九星飛星的天地感應之學。雖然堪輿發展至後代各家之說林立,但是仍然脫離不開這兩種操作系統的模式。本研究用以提供往後研究各派堪輿理氣學說之原始根據,掌握核心之演化才不至於紛亂。


The Chinese geomantic directionality is a complicated method of placement; its highest point of research and development was in the Tang 〈唐〉 Dynasty (618-907 AD). If we trace back, we can see that the art of building placement had been well used long before the Chou 〈周〉 Dynasty (1066-256 BC) in China. This study is to research the sources and the backgrounds of geomantic theory about directionality. Chinese ancients took their directions from the means of measuring stick's shadows in the daytime and observing the Big Dipper at night. In these ways they not only identified directions but also became aware of the season's cycles and timing. They found the changes in direction had something to do with the timing of seasons. Such understanding later helped establish the directional systems of geomancy. The observation of the sun evolved into Yin/Yang 〈陰陽〉, Gua/Yao 〈卦多〉... Operating System; And the observation of the Big Dipper became the Nine Ruling Stars. In the later age, even though great numbers of sects had been developed, they could not go beyond these two origins in choosing directions of geomancy.
