  • 期刊


The Traits of Genius Loci of International Public Art in Sculptural Park


角板山國際雕塑公園坐落於桃園縣復興鄉,復興鄉為北台灣最大的山地鄉,住民包括百分之九十的泰雅族原住民,以及少數的排灣族與阿美族,因此,復興鄉也被稱為「泰雅之鄉」,泰雅原住民文化的氣息相當濃厚。該雕塑公園為我國開創國際城市藝術之先河,由吳炫三先生及法國藝術策展人Gerard XURIGERA共同邀請十二位國際著名藝術家參與公共藝術創作,在此集結成為台灣首座國際性的雕塑公園。近年,我國政府積極推動國際觀光與地方產業之發展,本研究認為凝聚民眾認同與發揮地方特質,可有效拓展觀光資源並提升地方生活品質,因此,希冀藉由角板山國際雕塑公園公共藝術場所精神之特質研究,探討「人、物、空間」之相互關係,以理解並發揮地方特質。研究目的為:(1)探討公共藝術場所精神的特質、(2)分析公共藝術場所精神在背景屬性的認知差異、(3)探究公共藝術作品的風格與喜好、(4)論述公共藝術場所精神的意涵。使用因素分析、調查研究法、深度訪談法,以「自然環境」與「人文環境」兩大層面與「天地人神」四個面向,探討雕塑公園內十二件公共藝術作品與環境之關係。本研究發現角板山雕塑公園之公共藝術作品,對於場所精神的建立發揮預期效果,並驗證公共藝術品的存在,乃是透過自然環境與人文環境兩個隱性變數,建立公共藝術品的場所精神,場所特性因素包含:基地融合、特色風格、設置認同。年齡差異會影響觀者對公共藝術的態度,其中,又以10-19歲與40-49歲兩階段的差異最大。整體而言,「藝術如樹,樹如藝術」作品最具:「造型」、「意涵」、「喜歡」與「印象」四項要素。場所精神需要具備之各項意涵,如:自然環境的調合、文化意涵的融合、在地歷史的思維與社教功能的延展,如此,不但可引領我國進入國際公共藝術創作之門,亦可藉此擴展公共藝術之場所精神,並開創地方特色永續發展的未來性。


The Jiao Ban Shan International Sculptural Park is the first international sculptural park in Taiwan created by twelve world widely renowned artists, invited by Mr. Wu Shien-san and the French organizer Mr. Gérald Xurigera. In recent years, Taiwan's government has promoted proactively the development of international tourism and local industries. This study believes that cohering mortal's recognitions and employing endemic characteristics may expand tourism resources effectively and improve the life quality in local areas. Therefore, it is hoped that via the study of Genius Loci of public art in Jiao Ban Shan International Sculptural Park and the exploration of the relation between 'mortals, objects, space', we can better understand and exercise endemic characteristics. This study is mainly focused on (1) exploring the traits of Genius Loci of international public art, (2) analyzing the cognition of public art area, (3) making a survey on the style and preference toward pubic artwork, and (4) delineating the connotation of Genius Loci of international public art. This study adopted factor analysis, survey research and in-depth interview from the aspects of natural and human cultural environments in terms of four facets of 'sky, earth, mortals, and divinities' to explore the relation between the environment and public artworks. The study results indicate that the traits of Genius Loci factor cover a base of fusion, a characteristic of style, and the site of identification. In general, the survey showed a wide gap between the age groups of 10~19 year old and 40~49 year old subjects. Overall, the artworks of ”Art as Tree/Tree as Art” was most meaningful in four dimensions of meaning, style, impressions and preferences. The feature connotations required for Genius Loci should include the coherence of natural environment, the merge of cultural meaning, the mindsets of local history, and the extension of social and educational function. By doing so, not only can Taiwan enter the international public art creativity domain, but we can also bring in more possibilities for the sustainable development of endemic culture in the future by conveying the Genius Loci of public art.


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楊日申(2013)。微型行銷概念下的地方休憩詩學創作 ─ 以排灣族泰武萬安村為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6827/NFU.2013.00046
