  • 期刊


Extending Cognitive Fit Theory to Investigate the Role of Emotion in Decision Making Process: an Application of Eye Tracking


認知適配論指出,任務與資訊呈現格式間的適配,可以提昇績效;又指出,適配關係來自心智過程的相互符合。近來研究發現,即使面對同一任務與格式,情緒決策者與計算決策者的心智過程仍是不同的,但在認知適配論的文獻卻不考慮情緒心智過程的影響。因此,本研究提出兩個研究問題:(1)擴充認知適配論,研究情緒與資訊呈現格式上的適配關係;(2)以眼動儀衡量心智過程,以心智過程間的適配與否解釋情緒與格式間的適配關係。本研究採用Dennis與Galleta的研究典範中的侷限任務(containment task),並將決策者分為情緒組與計算組,檢視其決策結果與眼動資料,討論情緒與格式間適配關係。本研究之情緒操弄均為正向情緒。 本研究認為,情緒操弄使決策者偏向使用感知式過程(perceptual process),因而適配地圖格式;計算操弄則偏向分析式過程(analytical process),因而適配表格格式。結果顯示,在決策時間上,地圖格式配合情緒決策者時,決策者決策較快;而表格格式配合計算決策者時,決策者決策較快。然而,在決策正確性方面,資訊呈現格式並未與情緒操弄產生交互作用。而在心智過程的研究方面,研究結果發現,使用地圖格式時,情緒決策者顯著使用感知式過程,而計算決策者較偏重分析式過程。因此,心智過程的不同,部份解釋了適配關係的不同。本研究最後對此結果作一些討論。


Cognitive Fit Theory (CFT) proposes that decision performance is increased if tasks (containment or adjacency) and information presentations (map and table) can fit each other. CFT argues that the match between mental processes induced by task and by presentation is the reason of cognitive fit. However, recent studies show that emotional and calculative decision makers may hold different mental processes even though they face the same combination of task and presentation. Because CFT does not consider the influence of emotion on decision process, we propose two research questions: (1) extending CFT to investigate the fit between emotion and presentation; (2) measuring mental processes with eye tracker to explain why emotion fits or does not fit a specific type of presentation. Our experiment adopt containment task defined by Dennis and Galleta (1998) to discuss how mental process differences, revealed by eye tracking data, between emotional and calculative decision makers can contribute to cognitive fit (all emotion manipulation is positive in this research). We propose that emotional decision makers adopt perceptual process so that they fit map presentation; calculative decision makers adopt analytical process so that they fit table presentation. Behavioral and eye tracking data are both collected. On one hand, behavior data shows that emotional decision makers who use map and calculative decision makers who use table show significantly shorter decision time. However, decision accuracy is not significant in either combination. Eye tracking data, on the other hand, shows that decision makers who use map tend to adopt perceptual process while those who use table adopt analytical process. The behavior data, therefore, is partially explained by the eye tracking data.


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