  • 期刊


The Experience of Using Case Management to Care for an Indonesian Immigrant with Terminal Breast Cancer




個案管理 乳癌 善終 健康信念


This article described the experience of a case manager being with a breast cancer patient who was on the verge of dying to have Good-Death. The duration of the case management was from October 13th, 2008 to January 3th, 2009. Data was collected by applying face to face interviews, observations, and phone-call interviews. The patient's health care problems including pains, anxieties about dying and anticipatory grieving in families were found during the nursing process. The author played the role as a case manager during this period of time to help this patient. It included helping client go back to the hospital to control symptoms with alleviating pains, listening and encouraging the client to speak out her anxieties of death, and cooperating multi-specific teams to intervene, applying powers of the treatment team to assist this patient and her families to participate the decision-making process. In addition, accompanied families to adjust the grieving process, accomplished the patient's wishes and needs. In the very end, the author assisted the patient to have a good death at the end of her life. The experiences of the case management could share with the nursing professionals to help patients dealing with these similar situations.


