  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient Facing Myasthenic Crisis the First Time




This article described the care of a myasthenia gravis patient facing her first time myasthenic crisis. The duration of nursing care was from August 18th to September 4th, 2017. Based on the Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns, three health problems were identified: ineffective breathing pattern, dysphagia, and powerlessness. Here is our strategy. First, we instructed the patient in respiratory rehabilitation exercises to relieve physical discomfort and increase vital capacity. Second, teaching correct nasogastric feeding skills and swallowing training facilitated nasogastric tube removal. Third, we encouraged the patient to express thoughts and adjust the negative emotions, provided the disease information and group support, and helped the patient to rebuilding self-esteem and improved the quality of life. The author shares this particular nursing care experience in the first time facing myasthenic crisis patient as a reference for future clinical care.


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