  • 期刊


The Experience of Interdisciplinary Care to a Lymphoma Patient and Family in an Intensive Care Unit




This article described the nursing experience of interdisciplinary care to a lymphoma patient and family in an intensive care unit. The patient suffered from spiritual distress after the diagnosis of cancer. The family members were tired and nervous because of the first time experience of taking care of a cancer patient. The period of nursing care was from Oct 10 to Dec 21, 2018. Data were collected by interview, observation, and physical assessment. The health problems were identified as difficult weaning/related to respiratory muscle weakness and lung infection, anxiety/related to disease progress unknown, caregiver role strain/related to patient dependence and care skills unknown. Our interdisciplinary team, including a nurse, a doctor, a rehabilitation therapist, a respiratory therapist, and a dietitian, provided proper care to develop a respiratory weaning protocol. Finally, the patient successfully weaned from mechanical ventilation and the anxiety of the patient and family members reduced. The findings can serve a reference for caring similar cancer patients.


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