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Reduce the incidence Rate of Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injuries in pediatric cancer patients with Implanted Infusion Port




After the infusion port is inserted, a medical adhesive tap is used to fix it in place. However, skin injuries, a higher risk of infection or bacteremia may cause by repeated and long time adhesive taping. Our project aims to reduce the incidence rate of medical adhesive-related skin injuries in pediatric cancer patients with implanted infusion ports. Analysis of possible causes include 1. Nurses' insufficient awareness of medical adhesive-related skin injuries, inconsistency in adhesive procedures, 2. Children's poor skin barrier due to disease treatment and hypersensitivity towards adhesives, 3. Incorrect taping techniques and insufficient wound care education, of caregiver, 4. Lack of standard care protocol in terms of medical adhesive-related skin injury and lack of wound care training course of nurses, 5. Lack of evaluation tools, educational flyers and appropriate dressing material. Improvement plans include 1. Arrange nursing educational sessions regarding medical adhesive-related skin injuries to enhance understandings in evaluation and caring techniques in high risk pediatric patients. 2. Design medical adhesive-related skin injuries flashcards for early evaluation and intervention. 3. Establish a safe standard protocol for skin care. 4. Change appropriate skin dressing in our unit. After the implementation, a significant effect in this project was approved. The incidence of medical adhesive-related skin injuries was decreased from 31.4% to 11.9%. Score of understanding in medical adhesive-related skin injuries of nurses was increased from 78.3 to 100. Accuracy of adhesive taping implanted infusion port was increased from 61.6% to 97.9%. We suggest propagating this caring mode to pediatric intensive care unit to reduce the incidence of medical adhesive-related skin injuries and improve the care quality of children.


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