  • 期刊


Nursing experience in the post-acute care of a patient after an intracerebral hemorrhage




This article described the nursing experience of caring a 58-year-old female patient with a left basal ganglia hemorrhage. After undergoing a craniotomy, the patient was evaluated by an integrated post-acute care team. She was found to be in stable condition and referred to the hospital for rehabilitation. The nursing care period was from February 22 to March 26, 2019. During this time, Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Patterns framework was used for assessment and data analysis. Data were collected through direct care, interviews, active listening, physical assessment, and analysis of medical records. The patient was found to have dysphagia, self-care deficit, and anxiety. In an effort to prevent aspiration pneumonia during hospitalization, the patient received swallowing training by an interdisciplinary team. To prevent nutritional imbalances, a nutritional assessment was overseen and the patient's daily nutritional needs were met. The patient also received regular rehabilitation to increase mobility. Additionally, the patient's anxiety was alleviated by establishing a mutually-trusting therapeutic relationship through active care and listening, effective communication, encouraging her to express her feelings, counseling, and by providing relevant social welfare resources. We hope nursing professionals dealing with similar situations may benefit from the publication of this experience.


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