  • 會議論文
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Service Innovation and Challenges in "Assistance in Kind" from the Perspective of Public-Private Partnership - A Case Study on the Nantou County Wuxi Line Food Bank


本文採取公私協力(Public-Private Partnership)觀點探討南投縣政府與烏溪線站食物銀行如何透過協力的方式去擴大服務範圍、深入了解民眾需求、落實社會救助政策。本文將使用「目標」、「資源」、「溝通協調」、「信任」、「規範與課責」等五個面向去進行個案分析與探討。在本個案當中,作者進入烏溪線站食物銀行參與觀察後發現,若單就以南投縣政府進行服務輸送勢必會遭遇到承辦業務眾多、人力匱乏導致服務範圍有限或無法深入瞭解案主需求等問題;反之,若以烏溪線站食物銀行為單一服務供給者則將面對資源短缺、物資募集不穩定等問題。因此本文認為南投縣政府與烏溪線站食物銀行兩者間的協力合作能夠更有效的解決各自運作可能遭致的問題與限制。且兩方也會定期召開聯繫會報、以資源共享等方式協力解決難題,並透過舉辦活動、擺攤宣導等方式將食物銀行的概念傳遞給當地的民眾。然而即使兩方透過協力的方式進行服務輸送仍然會出現一些困境與挑戰,像是食物銀行承載案量有限、服務績效指標過於單一化等問題,因此本文建議應採取個案分級管理及建構多元績效指標來解決這兩項問題。是故,在此個案與南投縣政府之協力過程中,可以發現兩者是透過不斷的溝通與協調才能在面對不同限制與挑戰時,截長補短以達到綜效(Synergy)。


This paper concerns the approaches that the Nantou County government and the Wuxi Line Food Bank took to expand their service coverages and obtain accurate information on special needs groups, so to facilitate social support policies. The study takes a Public-Private Partnership point of view and is conducted as a case study, with analysis and discussion formulated around five aspects: goal, resources, communication and negotiation, credibility, regulation, and responsibility. This author chose the Wuxi Line Food Bank as the subject of the case study and participated in its operations. This author found that, if the Nantou County government were to take on full support service delivery, the number of cases would exceed the county government personnel's workload capacity, inhibiting appropriate coverage area and in-depth understanding of special needs groups. Conversely, if the Wuxi Line Food Bank were to take on full support service delivery, its operations would encounter resource shortage and unstable donations. Therefore, this paper argues that cooperation between the Nantou County government and the Wuxi Line Food Bank would achieve the optimal state of operations, as they could mutually resolve the problems and limitations that would arise should the two institutions operate independently. Both institutions can collaborate in regular meetings and resource sharing programs to resolve issues with coordination and shortages. The two institutions would also do well to promote the food bank concept by jointly organizing promotional festivities and set up kiosks or booths to reach different audiences. Even collaboration in matters such as service delivery would eventually lead to difficulties and challenges. For example, the food bank can only take on a limited amount of cases, and there is a need to improve upon the overtly one-dimensional indicator that measures support service performance. This study recommends that there ought to be a push to establish case classification/management protocol and to introduce multi-dimensional indicators for the measuring of performance. Therefore, in this particular case study on the Wuxi Line Food Bank and its relationship with the Nantou County government, it is determined that the two institutions must maintain constant communication and negotiation to remove barriers, overcome challenges, and attain synergy.
