  • 期刊


A Study of Parent-Child Sport Life Style Marketing-Marketing Mix Strategies of Les Enphants Children Sport Event




Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate Les Enphants' marketing strategies toward parent-child sport life style segment by understanding situation, marketing mix, and encountered difficulties of Les Enphants child sport event. Methods: A qualitative case study was adopted. Data were collected from interviewing and relative documents. Deputy General Manager in marketing department in Les Enphants responsible of hosting the event was interviewed, and relative documents were retrieved from official websites and event proposal. Results: (1) Situation: The major purpose of hosting the event is to enhance Les Enphants' brand equity. Its mission statement is to hope that there is always parents' accompany in the process of child growth. The event was planned by brand marketing department, social media marketing department, and art designing department in the Les Enphants. The methods adopted to measure the effectiveness of the event are media exposure, registration, and customer complaint. (2) Marketing mix strategies: Product differentiation was adopted to design five different sports events based on age, including baby crawling contest, draw lots, walking race, pushbike racing, and car racing. Variable pricing and promotional pricing were offered for the members and the customers purchasing Les Enphants' products. Event marketing was adopted as promotion strategy in which Les Enphants invited fifty couple of twins to participate in the event. The channels utilized to promote event information covered Les Enphants' physical store, printed magazine, internet, and social media. Event registration was only allowed in the Les Enphants' physical store. (3) Difficulties: Encountered difficulties included human resource shortage, financial challenge, and site resources. Conclusion: To maintain event quality, the event organization should keep adjusting sport competition contents, add online evaluation methods to assess event impacts, and seek sport event related professions in consulting event hosting.


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