  • 期刊


Changes in Labor Structure and the System of Social Security


1980年代後,隨中國大陸改革開放,與東南亞經濟的工業化,並加入國際經濟體系的競爭行列,使台灣的初級勞力密集產業之國際競爭力衰降,資本密集與技術密集產業的發展,又面臨諸多工業先進國的市場封殺,使台灣經濟體系由出口導向的工業發展,往內需型服務業轉進。因內需型服務市場狹小,國內資源的移轉極易飽和,服務業的發展於1996年後,幾呈停滯狀態,更因教育發展,專業資格的門檻不斷提高,造成高教育者往低教育者,作職位的推擠,終使教育程度最低層的勞力,陸續被排出就業市場,而處於失業的狀態,使台灣經濟進入低成長與高失業率的年代。 國際上兩面夾殺的情勢下,台灣的突圍策略便是「工業的科技化,和服務業的國際化」之產銷服務發展導向。往後的國際競爭,在人力需求上,應積極地培養高級的科技人才,和國際觀的管理人才;但也應消極地改善國內失業與所得分配惡化所帶來的社會問題。 準此,我們建議,政府應以人力資源發展政策,和必要的配套措施,取代既有的勞工政策。重要的有(一)貧富家庭間教育機會的均等,(二)廣開勞工可資長期進修的大門,(三)訓用合一職業訓練的改革,(四)善用公共建設調節就業機會,和(五)擴大公共服務,照顧失業勞工生活。


Since 1980s China's economy has emerged and continued to liberalize, and Southeast Asian countries have conducted industrialization. They integrate into the global market, while most of other countries, including Taiwan, have been forced to be transformed to establish capital-intensive and technology-intensive industries due to excessive supply of cheap labor from China and Southeast Asia. The demand for skilled labor increase sharply in these countries, while the unskilled labor force has been substituted and out from labor market in the same time. Thus, the income distribution has become more unevenly. In addition, the educational opportunity has been more easily acceded. The professional qualification has become more demanding, such that labor force with high level education has crowded out those who with primary education. It forces primary labor force to be quitted from labor market, and become unemployed. Because a huge of labor force has been released and out-flowed from China and Southeast Asia into the world, the traditional industries including manufactures of most other countries are seriously challenged and declined, thereof, they are forced to be transformed to develop high-tech industries and services. During the transition period Taiwan, for example, has met with the serious competition from the advanced technology of industrialized countries, and the constraint of small domestic market. Since 1996, the Taiwan's industries seem to be stagnant, and Taiwan's economy has began the era of low growth rate. Facing with the serious challenges from China and South-East Asia, the possible solution for Taiwan's economy could be transferred into integration of production, marketing, and services, i.e. a strategy so-called ”High-technolization of industry and globalization of services sector”. In future, the labor supply of high-tech skilled and management with globally mind have to be promoted and educated. On the other hand, the social problem followed rising domestic unemployment and the worsen-off of income distribution should be solved at the same time. Therefore, we would highlight several policy suggestions that the active development of human resources will be substituted for prevailing policy of labor market. Some main suggestions are following: (1) Equal opportunity of education between rich and poor family, (2) Easy access to on-the-job study for laborer in the long run, (3) Enhancing the integration of the professional training and employment, (4) Adjusting the employment by way of public construction, and (5) Increasing demand for public services to take care of poor workers.


