  • 期刊


The Experience and Problems of State-owned Bank Privatization


自1980年代以來,各國政府對經濟活動的干預逐漸減少,公營事業民營化蔚為風潮,不論已開發國家或開發中國家紛紛將公營事業移轉民營,我國也不例外。 公營銀行民營化的目的在提高銀行的經營效率,將國家的資源作更有效運用,以及發展資本市場。公營銀行民營化,可以擺脫公營事業預算、人事及採購等方面的法律限制。此外,政府可增加財政收入,擴大公共投資與建設。 過去公營銀行民營化遭遇到下列問題:民意機構的杯葛、員工的反對、及釋股價格與時機不適當等;幸經各有關機關共同努力,終能克服萬難,一一完成民營化。 加速金融機構民營化為我國第二階段金融改革目標之一,合作金庫銀行即將於今年底完成民營化;台灣銀行、台灣土地銀行及中央信託股份有限公司局亦預訂95年底以前移轉民營;政府並決定加速出售已民營化銀行之公股股權,於94年底前降至20%以下。從96年底起,民營銀行將主導我國銀行業,預期將充分發揮金融中介的功能,對我國經濟發展作更大的貢獻。


Government intervention in economic activities has been reduced since the 1980s. Privatization has become a global trend. Most countries in the world, developing or developed, have privatized their state-owned enterprises. Taiwan is not an exception. The objectives of state-owned bank (SOB) privatization are to improve banks' operational efficiency, realize effective utilization of national resources and to develop the capital market. SOB privatization enables banks to get rid of various restrictions on budget, personnel and procurement for state-owned enterprises. Privatized banks have greater autonomy and flexibility in their operations, and can compete with other private banks on an equal basis. Moreover, the government can increase its revenue through SOB privatization, and the revenue can be used for increasing public investment and construction. In previous years, SOB Privatization in Taiwan has encountered some difficulties including different views and opinions of the Legislative Yuan, the objection by banks' staff, the high share prices of public issue and the ill-timing of public issuance of shares. Fortunately, the parties concerned worked together to solve these problems, and successfully completed all the proposed SOB privatization schemes. The ROC government has recently included the privatization of four SOBs in the second phase of financial reform. The Taiwan Cooperative Bank will be privatized prior to the year's end, and the Bank of Taiwan, the Land Bank of Taiwan and the Central Trust of China are scheduled to be privatized before the end of 2006. After the privatization of these four SOBs, private banks will dominate our financial market. It is expected that they will perform their functions successfully as a financial intermediary, and contribute to the economic development of Taiwan in the coming years.


