  • 期刊

以女性主義的觀點來閱讀西維亞•湯森•渥拿(Sylvia Townsend Warner)作品中女同志的主體性

A Feminist Reading of Lesbian Subjectivity in Sylvia Townsend Warner's Lolly Willowes and Summer Will Show


西維亞•湯森•渥拿(Sylvia Townsend Warner)在文學史中是倍受邊緣化,並被視為一個激進的共產主義者或者女同性戀作家。她對於女性政治發展的貢獻,以及對女同性戀主體性的表述,都是不可抹滅的。本文章將探討在教授此作者時要探討的四個重點:一、渥拿與她父親和維倫婷•阿肯蘭(Valentine Ackland)的關係。二、透過渥拿的生平經歷和文學作品,探討女性參政的議題。三、定義何謂女同性戀小說,並探究渥拿的兩部女同性戀小說《羅莉威洛依》(Lolly Willowes)和《夏日將現》(Summer Will Show)中,女性和女同志所遭受的壓迫。四、找出渥拿的政治分類中,一般通稱的獨身女性(celibate)和巫術的位置,並將檢視她的社會主義、女性私有財產和女同性戀認同之間的關係。


Sylvia Townsend Warner has been exiled from the pages of literary history, marginalized as either a radical communist or a lesbian writer. Her contribution to women's political development as well as her expressions of lesbian subjectivity cannot be denied. In this article, I will discuss lesbian identity in her biographical and fictional forms. The following has four sections. Firstly, Warner's relationship with her father and with Valentine Ackland will be examined. Then the second section examines the issues of women's politics as located in Warner's biographical experiences and in her literary works. I shall then define a lesbian novel, and explore the oppressions that women and lesbians encounter in Warner's lesbian novels, Lolly Willowes and Summer Will Show. Finally, I will position such popular categories as the celibate and witchcraft within Warner's political categories, and examine the relation between her socialism, her claims for women's private property and her lesbian subjectivity.
