  • 期刊


Beyond the Myth of Magic:On Witchcraft, Taoism and Ecological Consciousness in Earthsea Cycle


本篇論文前半部探討,Ursula K. Le Guin在《地球海三部曲》(Earthsea Trilogy)中如何結合神話學、道家的無為哲學,創造出別出心裁的巫術教育和巫師文明,以反應當今世界的弊病:人的慾望過剩,誤用知識,而導致生態失衡的危機。後半部闡述作者的文學主張,如女性主義和生態文學理論。並以此說明,在十八年後出版的續集第四部Tehanu,其風格上偏向寫實和內容上去除魔法和英雄冒險的原因是:作者刻意突出女性類似於大地自然的滋養力量,並以此解構直線性、科技性和征服性父權思維。


This paper is to study the topics of witchcraft, Taoism and ecological consciousness in Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea Cycle. This paper starts from the definition of magic and witchcraft, then illustrates how Le Guin adapts Taoism to fit into Western literary mode of heroic adventure. This paper concludes with the argument that Earthsea Cycle shall be treasured as a pioneering achievement of and\ ecological myth on an epic scale, and a successful discovery of an alternative narrative mode to the romantic heroic myth, which is an anti-anthropocentric, nature-oriented “Taoist” mode, composed to answer the contemporary environmental crisis.


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Wang, W. H. (2017). 當西方奇幻遇上東方思想:《地海傳說》系列中譯本之翻譯策略與風格評析 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703782
