  • 期刊


A Study of the Power Operation of the Principal Selection Committee


傅柯(Michel Foucault 1926-1984)是二十世紀獨特的思想家,1970年代早期開始,曾對西方當代社會制度之監視制度與權力關係做了深入分析與批判。他論述的不是權力理論,而是一種微觀權力的解析法,以一種分析的手段,幫助我們瞭解權力的動向。 1999年國民中學校長甄選官派制徹底斷裂,建構了校長遴選制,其過程猶如一場由下而上的權力拉扯。至於「校長遴選委員會」產生校長人選過程,相當契合傅柯所論述之複雜權力關係網路。研究者歸納一些結論: 一、校長遴選制度的產生,符應傅科反對由上而下傳統權力觀之特質。 二、遴選委員會設置與實踐的歷程,體現微觀權力關係的運作。 三、校長協會的反撲與抵抗,遴選第三次版本誕生。 四、校長候選人,暴露在「全景敞視主義」(panopticism)機制。 五、遴選真理知識的產製,需要靠縣市長的智慧。 六、隨著校長遴選設置要點起舞,打造領導者成功的性格。


傅柯 校長遴選


Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a unique philosopher in the twenty century. From the early of 1970, he had deeply analyzed and criticized the surveillance system and power relationship of contemporary western society system. His discussion is not the power theory but an analysis of microscopic power. By an analytic method, it helps us to understand the trend of power. The thorough break of the official appointed junior high school principal system in 1999 constructed the principal selection system. This process just like a pull and drag power from bottom to top. The producing candidate for principal process of the principal selection committee was quite matched with the complex power relation network of the Foucauldian analysis. The researcher induces some conclusions: 1. The production of the principal selection system conforms to the special characteristic of the traditional power view from top to bottom that Foucault opposed. 2. The progress of the establishment and practice of the selection committee shows the operation of the microscopic power relations. 3. The Principal association's counter-attacking and resistance resulted in the third edition of the selection system. 4. The candidate for principal is exposed to the panopticism system. 5. The production of truth knowledge of the selection system needs to depend on the mayor's wisdom. 6. By following the established main point of the principal selection, we can build the successful character of the leader.


Michel Foucault principal selection


朱元鴻譯、Steven Best、Douglas Kellner著(1994)。後現代理論:批判的質疑。巨流:台北市。
