  • 期刊


Factors Affecting the Willingness of Teachers in Remote Elementary Schools to Concurrently Serve as the Administrative Staff




In recent years, remote schools facing high administrative staff turnover at the end of school years has become a common phenomenon. Admittedly, educational administration serves as the most immediate backing for teaching; hence, schools can provide quality teaching by stabilizing educational administrative organization. Thus, it is undoubtedly a special concern for the educational management today to identify the determinants that affect the willingness of teachers in remote elementary schools to concurrently serve at administrative positions and further develop a feasible theoretical model. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, this study undertook grounded theory research and conducted semi-structured interviews with six teachers from remote elementary schools in Hsinchu County. In the open coding stage, 13 categories were derived from the interview data. In the axial coding stage, four main themes were identified: empowerment support system, educational performance requirements, school organization operations, and self-perception and planning. In the selective coding stage, a model of factors affecting the willingness of teachers in remote elementary schools to concurrently serve at administrative positions was completed. The study findings hold significance and enhance and strengthen the willingness of teachers in remote elementary schools to concurrently serve as the administrative staff while further facilitating the fulfillment of functionality and sustainable development of schools.


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