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The Effects of TV Watching Time on Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students After School




The relationship between the time spent watching TV after school and academic achievement performance among junior high school students has not been explored for a long time. This study used the Keelung City Junior High School Students' Learning Status Database to analyze the growth trajectory of 1,585 junior high school students' TV watching time after school, and to understand the impact of after-school TV watching time on academic achievement, and obtained conclusions from the analysis of latent growth patterns in five semesters of data as follows: 1. The growth trajectory of TV watching time of junior high school students after school showed a W-shaped trend. The time spent watching TV was the highest in the first semester of the country. As the semester gone on, it showed ups and downs, and it was still not low in the second semester of the third year. It can be seen that watching TV after school was one of the important leisure activities for students. 2 The more time ninth grade students spent watching TV after school, the worse his academic achievement will be in the second semester. The increased in TV watching time after school in five semesters had a negative impact on the academic achievement of the second semester of the third semester, that is, the increased in TV watching time after school reduced academic achievement. 3 The starting point of TV watching time after school in ninth grade life had a negative and significant correlation with the growth rate of TV watching time after school in the next five semesters. The representative country had the most TV watching time after school in the second semester, and it decreased in the last semester. The feature of this study was that it is found that the time spent watching TV after school howed a W-shaped growth phenomenon. The more time spent watching TV, the worse the academic achievement. After school hours are used by students, schools, parents and students should have coping strategies. Discussed the conclusions and make recommendations.


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