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Compare the Academic and Sport Attitudes between Junior-High School Students and Their Parents




社會化 家長 國中 運動態度 課業態度


Based on the theory of socialization, the study examined the relationships between parents' sport and academic attitudes and their junior high school children's attitudes. Data were collected in a junior high school in the middle of Taiwan. Random sampling was used to distribute questionnaires to students and their parents in 15 classes. In total, 474 questionnaires were collected from students and 330 were returned from students' parents. The results showed that parents paid more emphasis on the academic performance than sport activities, whereas students emphasized more on sports than academic subjects. Parents' attitudes toward academic performance, sports participation, and sports spectatorship were positively related to those of their junior high school children. Parents' attitudes had a higher impact on their children's attitudes toward academic performance than that on their children's attitudes toward sports. Students self-reported that parents among other significant agents (teachers, peers, the media, communities, siblings) had the greatest impact on students' attitudes toward academic performance while peers and siblings had the greatest impact on students' attitudes toward sport participation and peers and the media had the greatest impact on students' attitudes toward spectator sports. This study concluded that the parents' attitudes were related to children's socialization of academic and sport attitudes. Parents might have a higher impact on children's academic attitudes than other agents, whereas there might exist reciprocal or reverse process of sport attitude socialization between parents and their junior high school children. In addition, academic attitudes were positively related to general affective sports attitudes. However, with respect to the attitude toward athletes, since athletic training would spend time and drain energy, the relationships between attitudes toward athletes and studying time and between the attitudes and academic scores were negative.


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曾欣儀(2015)。國中生體感體驗對體驗滿意度與運動態度之探討-以Wii Sports 為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2502201617122402
