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Influence of Technology VideoViewing on University Students' Understanding, Cognition and Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligent Technology




AI technology brings convenience, comfort, and new types of employment opportunities to people's lives. However, AI technology will also replace some of the repetitive jobs in the 21st century; in addition, data collection and application of AI may also harm individuals' privacy and information security. College students who are about to enter the workplace urgently need to improve their AI technology literacy to conquer these challenges. At present, information about the application of AI technology and its impact on society is mostly fragments of general media news reports. Due to the framework and characteristics of media reports, the lack of systematic and complete introduction and content of AI technology applications can easily cause people to have only one-sided information, which results in the wrong or biased cognition or improper doubts, and is prone to biased support or opposition to the application and development of AI technology. University general education courses and online video watching are the main channels for non-science and engineering college students to obtain scientific/technological information. In the past, few studies have investigated the integration of technology learning videos into flipped teaching courses, and the learning effectiveness and comparison of watching videos online and offline. Therefore, the research and development of AI technology learning video are integrated into university general education courses for flipped teaching, which arouses situational interest of college students to improve their understanding, cognition, and attitude of AI technology and investigates related factors. Accordingly, the following three research questions are proposed: (1) what is the impact of AI technology learning video watching in the offline and online group students' understanding of the concept, the cognition of the advantages and disadvantages, risk concerns, and support attitudes of AI technology? (2) What are the differences in AI technology learning video watching affecting offline and online college students' understanding of the concepts, advantages and disadvantages, risk concerns, and support attitudes of AI technology? (3) What are the factors influencing the concepts understanding, cognition of advantages and disadvantages, risk concerns, and support attitudes of college students in the offline and online groups when watching AI technology learning video? This research adopts a mixed research method and selected 223 first-year non-science and engineering students from southern Taiwan's university of science and technology to participate in the study. They are divided into 108 students in the offline group and 115 in the online group. The students in the offline group watch AI technology learning videos in the general education classroom. The students in the online group are free to choose their spare time to watch AI technology learning video. Students fill out the "AI Technology Cognition and Attitude Scale" with good reliability and validity and several questions and answers before and after watching the 25-minute AI technology learning video. The quantitative research tool "AI Technology Cognition and Attitude Scale" is divided into five dimensions: conceptual understanding, cognition of advantages, cognition of disadvantages, risk concerns and support attitudes of AI technology, and a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Questions are asked about the factors that influence the concept understanding, cognition, and attitudes of AI technology during video watching. The questions are as followed. What is AI technology? What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI technology applications? Why do you support or oppose the development of AI technology? How to respond to the impact of future AI technology development? The development of AI technology learning videos mainly allows students to have general concepts of AI technology, rather than focusing on difficult AI technology knowledge and skills, such as deep learning, neural network learning, and other algorithms or technical content. The AI technology learning video is played by several college students with Miss Google's voice dubbing. It imitates the popular humorous videos on the social network and is conducted mainly humorous, lively, and attractive, and its dialogue. At the same time, the video incorporates factors and strategies that can arouse situational interest and also provides opportunities for participation and dialogue, such as asking questions in the video and encouraging thinking and discussion. The AI technology learning videos developed in this research are mainly images, supplemented by text, animation and dialogue, and narration. They not only present a balanced report on the advantages and disadvantages of AI technology applications in the video content but also in each paragraph of the video. Questions such as reflection on the application of science and technology are raised, such as: how do individuals face the possible impact of the future application of AI technology, and encourage watching students to actively think about how to face these problems and solutions so that they can have a better understanding of the development and application of AI deeply understand and reflect on the coping strategies that oneself should have. The scale data uses dependent sample t-tests and one-way ANCOVA to test on the differences in concepts understanding, cognition, and attitudes of AI technology of college students from different backgrounds, and then the qualitative data of question were conducted by content analysis to investigate the influencing factors of college students' AI technology literacy. The research results were as followed. (1) It is easier to improve university students' understanding and cognition of AI technology, and it is more difficult to improve attitude and behavior intention towards AI by video watching. This result is consistent with the planned behavior theory proposed by Ajzen, that is, it is easier to change understanding and cognition, and it is more difficult to change attitudes and behavior intention. (2) After watching the video, college students have a deeper understanding and cognition of AI technology, and some students are also better able to understand how to adjust themselves and face the possible impact of future AI technology, such as avoiding repetitive tasks that are easily replaced by AI technology in the future. To solve problems more fixedly, we should develop the advantages of human creative thinking and learn skills that are not easily replaced by AI technology, or improve our ability to collaborate with AI technology. (3) Video watching promotes college students' understanding of the concept and cognition of the advantages and disadvantages of AI technology. The offline group is better than the online group. The possible reason is that the students in the offline group watch videos in the classroom, and the concentration and watching quality under the influence of peers and the classroom atmosphere are better than those in the online group. (4) The video arouses situational interest factors by attracting attention, personally relevant, questioning and reflecting, and connecting with popular current events to enhance the conceptual understanding and cognition of AI technology. Finally, this research also provided practical advice on the design, teaching, and watching technology videos to promote scientific literacy. For example, the implementation of flipped teaching allows students to watch AI technology learning videos on the internet; teachers need to help students establish the habit of watching videos before the implementation. It is easy to achieve the expected results. Besides, some pre-class preparation measures are also required, such as the grouping of students and pre-announcement of video links through social networking platforms, reminders of scheduled discussion questions after the video is watched, and reports on watching, etc., and after the video is watched, students can conduct group discussions on the platform, publish and share, or write suggestions for watching videos.


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