  • 期刊


Mission, Strategy and Property: The Rethinking of Overall Exhibition Planning of NSTM


2006上半年工博館進行了「國立科學工藝博物館-整體展示、動線、空間暨營運規劃」,專業技術服務團隊提出了「Museum Mall」作為總體規劃概念的主題,期望將Shopping Mall的休閒娛樂、商業屬性帶入,並整合館區內數個不同屬性的空間以形成族群。然而,此一概念實施將重新定位工博館,引發了館內同仁對「Museum Mall」的疑慮與討論。有鑑於此,本文特就博物館的使命、策略、資產三個面向檢視,再思工博館整體展示規劃之內涵,以創新使命、策略規劃、累積資產,平衡「Museum Mall」之想像,希望有助於工博館在關鍵時刻的決策思考。 在「使命」面向上,闡明使命的意義,以國外知名博物館的使命宣言為例,反觀工博館的使命,期能重新思考工博館的價值與願景,創新使命與時俱進;在「策略」面向上,論述策略規劃的意義,以V&A博物館實例,說明策略目標的意圖,並反思工博館的展示策略,期能在遠見的思考與務實的態度下,審慎做好展示策略規劃;在「資產」面向上,則強調博物館三個資產:物的資產、人的資產及品牌資產的重要性,盼望博物館做好策略規劃,開源節流以永續經營。 「使命」讓博物館走在對的方向,「策略」讓博物館走得更穩、更接近願景,「資產」則讓博物館茁壯、得以永續經營。在創新使命、策略規劃與累積資產的慎密思維下,傳物館方能穩健前進,開創新局。


使命 策略 資產 創新使命 策略規劃 累積資產


A plan of overall exhibition, traffic flow, space, and operation of NSTM was carried out in the first half year of 2006. The service team proposed an idea of ”Museum Mall” as the main concept of the whole plan, which was expected to bring leisure, entertainment and business of shopping mall into the museum, and to combine some different areas or spaces as groups. Nevertheless, if this concept is put into practice, it would reposition NSTM. It caused NSTM colleagues a lot of doubts and discussion. For above mentioned reasons, this article intends to focus on three aspects, mission, strategy and property, to rethink the premise and contents of overall exhibition planning. With innovating mission, strategy planning and accumulating property, it might balance the imagination of ”Museum Mall”, and help decision making in the critical time. On the aspect of ”mission”, it explains the meanings about the mission of a museum, and takes mission statements of foreign well- known museums as examples to self-examine the mission of NSTM. It is expected to rethink what the value and vision of NSTM is, and hopes to make its mission more innovative and progressive. On the aspect of ”strategy”, it discusses the meanings of strategy planning, and takes V&A museum as an example to explain the intentions of strategy targets, as well as to reexamine the exhibition strategy of NSTM. It is expected NSTM to make exhibition strategy planning carefully, with foresighted consideration and practical attitude. On the aspect of ”property”, it emphasizes the importance of three properties, i.e. resources, staff, and brand. It is expected NSTM to have a good strategy planning, to broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure for sustainable operation. ”Mission” will keep the museum on the right direction; ”Strategy” will let the museum run stably, and closer to its vision; ”Property” will help the museum grow and strong. Under the careful thoughts of innovating mission, strategy planning, and accumulating property, the museum could progress stably and probably create a new prospect.




